Hey, guys… been away from a while (developing a homemade mocap pipeline… been working on a new character to test my VFX on. Today I am spending time working on his armour… the aim for this character is more CG film than games. If Unity doesn’t have the vertex count limitations anymore, I would LOVE to have him rendered using the HDSRP
I call him Obsidian Juggernaut and he is 1 of 5 creatures I will be designing for VFX and 3D printing… he is the Tank class of warriors. Can’t wait to design his weapon.
Hello guys, I’m working on an environment package for the asset store.
I would like some feedback on the trees that are going to represent the bulk of the pack.
The trees in question are 3d renditions of Norway Spruce.
I’m using substance designer to texture the models, and I can’t seem to decide on what look I will settle with for the barks.
The real-life Norway spruce has more of an oval look to its flakes, but I have been debating whether to go with flakes that stretch a little longer to make the trees more visually interesting.
The longer flakes are also more reminiscent of the typical coniferous bark look, so they might appear more recognizable and seem more accurate in the eyes of the viewer.
So after more than 2 years of full time development, my game is finally starting to come together. It’s really almost done at this point, considering it’s only gonna be an hour or two of gameplay! The problem as usual is having to also work part time jobs and get the bills in while this is going on, and since I’m a low energy person…It’s just a really really hard time but almost there to a complete product, even if it’ll be buggy to begin with:
The timing system! Good timing can really change the outcome of battle and if you didn’t lose with purpose in the second battle it seems very challenging - in a good way!
Different camera angles at battle start
The battle system looks very good and has a cool nostalgia rpg feeling to it
Your commenting is funny (“Du du du”) escpecially when you are losing the second battle (“F…”, “Gosh”)
The cutscenes are nice!
Actually it didnt seem to be “buggy” at all
Of course it is the first demo so i don’t really know what the game is about but here are some things i noticed that could be polished:
The walking part between the battles seems quite long for me - can you actaully do/find something in the areas? Also the character moves veeeery fast! Perhaps making the distance shorter and the walking slower would be better.
Are this the final graphics? I think they are cute but could look more professional! Especially when people are considering to buy/download a game the graphics are crucial aspect. I really would invest money or time in the graphics before releasing.
I didn’t see much of possibilty for strategy in battle but that was perhabs of only the single cross skill - do you have different skills with character weakness and strength?
You said “It’s really almost done at this point” so it seems th be near the final result:
I think you can be really proud of what you achieved so far but really don’t rush when the end is near and polish, polish, polish!
Despite my criticism I kinda like your demo a lot:-)!
@ClaudiaTheDev Hey, thanks for the long review Gor. For the graphics I’ve done the best I can. Believe it or not I want to find an artist for the face sets because right now I think they look the most abysmal. I am doing my best to use bloom lighting and color grading to smooth out the colors, you should have seen what it looked like without them, it looks like some nuclear radiated green. Of course it all needs work as you’ve said.
The strategy is going to come in when you have two or three characters with multiple abilities. I’m using the League of Legends set of 3 abilities with an ultimate, but the ultimates aren’t incorporated into it yet.
This is the second time someone’s said that the running is fast, but believe it or not I actually prefer the speed and think it’s more realistic. I always find that games have their speeds way too slow and it looks like the character is gliding. Even though it’s fast I suppose, the feeling is that you’re flying through the woods I guess. Still, it’s not too hard a thing to start testing with different move speeds and see what might look better.
Another thing that people have been leaving me is that I really need to start to use proper screen capture.
Now I feel I’ve gotta leave at least two comments, well:
This looks intense. Do you think that the shields wood texture has a ton of detail as compared to the rest of the character? Even the metal part of the shield seems to have less texture, so it may have just a little bit of inconsistency. I think that the eyes are immediately drawn to the shield rather than the character. If that’s what you’re going for, though, like detail in the equipped items that seems really clever.
This looks nice, it looks like Minecraft on crack. I really like the bloom off the bridge. I wonder how difficult it would be to have it where you can swim in the water blocks.
Another spacecraft work-in-progress (early in the process): medium cruiser. Would there be any interest in buying these models if I put them on the Asset Store? They include custom shaders to make surface details such as the lighted windows in this image (which are generated on the fly).
Working on some small props for my game. This is a vape for enemy izaN soldiers and it explains why they sometimes spew red smoke when idle . The red smoke is a way to alert the player that there is an enemy guarding an area!
Most of it isn’t textured yet since it’s an early work-in-progress. Do you think there would be much interest in a series of these ships on the Asset Store?
To be perfectly honest, I don’t think so. The two ships you’ve shown here have a very unique shape and appearance, and it would be very hard to find other models that fit with them. If you want to make money on the store, I would recommend creating things that fit reasonably well with other popular assets that are in a more classic style such as MSGDI and CGPitbull’s work. Also, if you google ‘indie space game’ most of them are using the classic style as well.
I can’t tell you for sure what would go well and what wouldn’t but that’s how I look at things.