WIP Small Works Art Thread

Sopwith Scout “Pup” 1916:
Original Model Deprecated on Asset Store.
Re-Topo’d with maya

3 days to get this point.

  1. Figure out what I wanted, and start from scratch.
  2. Create cockpit details, make lewis gun facsimile,
  3. Create new UV’s, Rig…everything
  4. Create new Animations.
  5. Create new normal/AO maps in NDO.

Base Color and Paint key, ready for materials.

Topology and reference

the cockpit mesh and reference

Cockpit normal & AO

Engine normal & AO

next…on to flight.

whoops that’s no drone…needs a pilot!

what does he look like?
grizzled, 30-40 year old, always chewing on a cigar, but never lights it…
needs a white silk scarf blowing in the breeze.
next materials

this is what it looked like before…

and why I just never finished the game…bad textures, cockpits…


now, the same project(in old video), converted PBR to mobile spec.

The linear end, to the post, start to finish:

Flying In Unity: Android Shader model 2.0, one color masked shader, converted from the PBR…



Current progess:
Finished entrance and waterside pavilion.


Working on a medieval battle simulator and would love some feedback on my latest update. The update should be published by 9:00 PM EST, if you’re interested in reviewing, here’s a free download from gamejolt:

It was supposed to be a battle torn scene but I didn’t feel like adding the battle damage and all that sooo i just grabbed a vibrant background and called it good :p. Graphics testing for a small anime inspired rpg.


Looks really cute, I like how it has a soft look.

My final version of the pack with CTI, will be submitted within a few days to the store.



Creating wolfenstein inspired weapons for my game The Resistance based of Man in the High Castle

Could not find some on the Asset store so I made my own.


The main hall.


Wip of doing art style experiments trying to work out what I want for my game. Think i’ll take the toony look for the tree/bush leaves and give them some extra detail to match the house and other textures. Getting RTS for terrain and working on those textures should finish the look.

Tldr - Trying to do a stylized but semi-realistic look for my world. I want it to work with cel shaded characters to so that’s why some older stuff is toonier.

P.s. will experiment with giving the house an organic touch without removing the realism.


Creating a medieval battle simulator, I’m trying to come up with a good title, any suggestions?
Game screenshots and more:

Almost finish!


Hey there,

I recently started working on a 2D project with my brother and felt like sharing some of the things I have created for it. We purchased some character armor kits from the Asset Store and I started to learn how to design my own using their templates as reference. I also figured since we lacked any magic spells I would learn how to make my very first 2D spells with animations for our project as well.

2D Character Equipment Sets - Melee

Here is a version of the character equipment I am working on in three different color skins. I have since shrunk the sword to feel more like a 1-handed weapon. It was originally designed to be used as a 2-handed weapon and made smaller even still. I also shrunk the shield from it’s former size since it was hiding the skull attached to the waist / belt part of the character.

2D Character Equipment Sets - Caster

Here is a version of the equipment with a staff designed for a caster class in our game. I’ve designed the sets so they could be used as specialty skins, monster skins or even Halloween skins.

2D Spell Animations 1

These are my first attempts at making 2D animation. Since our game had no attacks for a caster class, I decided to learn how to make my very own 2D spell animations. My brother will script the fireball to launch towards enemies when cast. Still deciding what to use the lightning effect for. My friend suggested drawing a trap to go with it and place the spell inside. Making like a “Hunter Trap” effect. What are your opinions? Are these decent effects for a 2D game?

2D Spell Animations 2

Here is another version of the 2D lightning effect I designed. I made it flash in and out between layers to give it a different effect. I’m also testing different colors for the spell.

2D Environment Art

These are some more 2D assets I have been working on. The tree on the left had the branches and leaves for them both painted in separate layers so they can be selected individually for uploading for animation if needed done that way.


Durga, Hindu Goddess of War is nearly finished. Next up will be Kali.


Hello everyone,
i just started with experimenting with some cinematic style lighting in Unity. As a developer, I rarely get time to try my hands on art side. But this time the challenge was interesting. I tried to extend a library which creates volumetric lighting to create “god-rays” or “light-shafts”. As the results were quite fine looking after writing some code, I thought to get a scene and try it out there. Following is the result:

I then started with lighting the scene and here is what I came to:

Request you all to please take out some time and write in some crits if possible.

Thank you,



more on artstation : https://www.artstation.com/alexjavor


Yesterday I was doing some level kit-bashing. Sort of like rapid prototyping, except I’m more of a hobbyist, so for me it is rapid “Yeah, it’s done!”

I’m building a world here for my little character from [back when]( WIP Small Works Art Thread page-134#post-3008336). I’m imagining a world of underground cities and caverns connected by a maze of tunnels (similar to D&D’s Underdark setting). This is all that remains of an ancient bridge that used to span a vast underground river. I guess he’ll have to find another way across. :slight_smile:

Most of the assets come from these two packs:

but obviously with a lot adjustments to the materials and such because I’m trying to create a certain “look” for my game here.

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this looks great, I just have one major puzzle, what if she turned around? what, exactly is the connecting structure, of the arms to the spine?.how much does it protrude? I’m thinking octopus.
me thinks, a little disconnected from the body…like ghost limbs, was my first impression.
but that could be, because, it does not occur in nature, and I will never see entities like this as “photo realism”.
and , really cause your artwork is good, my brain expects a human shape norm…meaning, your getting close to uncanny valley. a serious compliment.



That was part of the design I got hung up on for awhile. In the end, I decided to make them “ghastly floating arms,” rather than actually connect them to her body. Seems more elegant that way. In the religion, the extra arms are more figurative than literal anyway.

So they should have some nice smoke or fire VFX at the ends of them, though sadly I couldn’t find a decent looking solution for that, so I just didn’t show them from the backside… not a great solution but better than having something stupid looking.

Though it’s just portfolio piece, I imagine her as like a dark souls boss. Her extra arms would poof into appearance for a quick, cheap swipe at you. You’d have to face off against like six different weapons all at once.

oh, and thanks!

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That’s some pretty cool stuff there. I’ve always liked the unique art style myself outside of realism.

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Here is yet another scene. Underwater animation video to show the volumetric lighting. This is in legacy pipeline.

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Laser cutter inspired by Dead Space Plasma Cutter mod for Fallout New Vegas