A merry band of brigands make way cross the countryside, but Lo! There be devilry afoot. Men turned unnatural and foul roam free, devouring woman and children. Only those Baptized by Holy Water may resist the Great Deceivers most sinister plan.
Get to the chapel! Wash ye filthy, sinful bodies. Before it’s too late!
3D artist here, working on an asset pack for the store.
I’m looking for feedback or any wishes you might have.
Demo build here: House_v03.zip - Google Drive
Models and textures look fantastic. But that screen effect is a bit too much for me. Too much chromatic aberration and feels like the lens is distorted? Kind of has a drunk/dreamy feeling.
I agree with the drunk/dreamy effect; it’s more of a personal choice. If I get more feedback like this I will definitely change it. Thanks for the feedback
Working on a raymarcher. Currently trying to optimize it in diffrent ways while still avoiding artifacts.
Here are some screenshots with amped up settings that really make your GPU want to kill itself :
And i also work on the xStream version that has a notch up clouds and water, with fly through in clouds and unique precision volumetric effects in water. This will target desktop mainly.
Adelophthalmus- a genus of small eurypterids. Eurypterids are more commonly known as “sea scorpions” but are not actually scorpions but more like shrimp or something.
Working on outfits for my game. I’m still working on the males but it will look similar to the female starter set. Planning on adding more clothing detail to the outfits and future ones.
With account and character creation with customization in, i’ll only need combat in to have a bare bones alpha demo ready. Player housing and inventory are still being worked on. Looking at a more complete alpha demo around December.
I’m working on a sort of shootemup-platformer hybrid, which I call Hijack for now, where you can hijack any and all enemy vehicles, and dance on top of them.
It’s still very early in production, but I would like to know what people think.
If you think about it, the Mario Odyssey concept is basically Kirby.
But Hijack is actually different in that you can have as many ships on your side as you are able to steal, you can create a small fleet in a single level like that!
It’s a bit experimental, but I really like it so far!
Just to be constructive here, I don’t get the slightest impression that there is a single bit of snow in this scene. It does not have a christmas feel. It looks more like a fancy cake. I see you attempted snow on the rooftops and between the rocks but it just does not give a snowy impression.