I released my first game Zarcon Invasion.
Anyone interested can come to my web site http://www.corradominnozzi.it/ZarconInvasion/ where I put video and screenshots and can buy or can download a free demo.
Started messing around with this today, looks promising! here is my progress:
I cant figure out how to render holes in the middle of the mesh, so click next to the edges
This is one of the building blocks for my upcoming project. Next updates: Ninja rope, fluids…
Cool What method are you using? Are you familiar with marching squares algorithm?
Working on a stealth/espionage game. Below is the double grapple hook mechanics, one of his many gadgets
This double grapple hook is a very old idea of mine (in my yt channel there’s even an older prototype of it) that I decided to resurrect for this project. Each rope is fired and controlled independently of one another, allowing for a number of different maneuvers beyond simply swinging. in the video I’m showing how it can be used to slide horizontally (although it’s oscillating a bit too much for my taste)
I’m using the Clipper library (http://www.angusj.com/delphi/clipper.php) and the Triangulator (http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/Triangulator) for the terrain. I’m simulating the water with SPH and rendering with marching squares. Ninja rope is a combination of hinge joint and character controller - I’m not really interested in simulating a real rope, I want it to feel like the Worms ninja rope
BTW I just updated the webplayer sample: you can change the brush size, add terrain as well as remove (ctrl+click), and even test out the collider with some particles (right click)
Great stuff
I’m not that impressed; it looks like you just used the Dastardly Bannana Package and little else.
Hey Folks,
I made a rough version of a physics based match 3 game, which can be played here https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11166490/TumbleBlocks/WebPlayer.html
I just made it as a kind of a joke game rather than a fun one but I was just wondering if anybody thinks I should do more with the game. Stuff like showing what blocks are coming up next, different shaped blocks, a proper leaderboard and some other game modes and mechanics.
The thing is though I’m not a great programmer and I’m not an artist, so I’d have to find help in the collaboration section to do this.
I have been working with the Angry Bots demo code lately. Things started off as a top down shooter idea for the Liberated Pixel Cup. After spending a few weeks tinkering in Java just to get the shell of something working I decided Unity is more productive! So What took me three weeks to accomplish in Java I finished in two days in Unity.
This is the start of the idea I have for a top down shooter. The demo code shown below showcases the beginning of the random level creation. The map is split into chunks of tiles. Nine chunks in a tile and multiple chunks in a map. The tiles are squares with sixteen possible combinations depending on how many walls are being used.
The chunk is generated starting with the center. It has one of five possible types. Once it is selected the cardinal positions can be chosen depending on weather they need to allow exiting of the chunk (blocked off walls). Now the only thing missing are the corners. They look at the surrounding cardinal tiles to decide what they should be.
It only took a few hours to setup and it works pretty well. Pictures and Webplayer below:
As you can see in the pictures the terrain generation is not perfect. It sometimes creates areas that are blocked off. I have not decided on a nice way to fix it. Next I will be adding spawn locations in each tile type so enemies, debris, and collectibles can be randomly spawned.
Thanks for checking it out!
It looks good. Now make it work with the AngryBots assets, etc.
It is built with only Angry Bots assets thus far. The player is still the same. I changed the camera setup a little. I planned on using the same Enemies but maybe adding some more AI. Starting to dig through the assets now to find a nice set of things to clutter the map up with. Make it look all pretty
I mean replace the walls and floor texture with the models from AngryBots.
I started a new Racing project and was frustrated that no support was available for force feedback wheels.
So I decided to write a plugin to support force feedback. I have uploaded my test version here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/87201649/DInputPorxy%20V0.1.zip
The test supports all Direct Input details from game controllers and a a single force feedback function. If you experience any problems running the test, please let me know via a response to this thread. note: if you try to send force to a non-force feedback device it will crash (yes I will be trapping for this in a future release)
I am considering making this publicly available via asset store. I would like to find out if there is any interest in a force feedback plugin (and so worth the effort to package it up for public use).
Also, I would welcome feedback on what features to include (eg: multi-controller support, unity controller setup HUD).
[edit] ps: this plugin will work in Unity Free [/edit]
Update on Chopper Mike!
I’ve added a bunch of stuff, but tonight’s main addition is a fake soft shadow that fades in and out based on another object’s height.
It’s pretty simple, here’s the C# script…
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ShadowScaleAlphaWithHeight : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject targetGO = null;
public float m_minimumY;
public float m_maximumY;
public float m_minimumAlpha;
public float m_maximumAlpha;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
Color textureColor = renderer.material.color;
float height = targetGO.transform.position.y;
height -= m_minimumY;
height = Mathf.Max( height, 0.0f );
float heightDiff = m_maximumY - m_minimumY;
float alpha = ( heightDiff - height ) / heightDiff;
alpha = Mathf.Min( alpha, 1.0f );
float invAlpha = 1.0f - alpha;
alpha = ( alpha * m_maximumAlpha ) + ( invAlpha * m_minimumAlpha );
textureColor.a = alpha;
renderer.material.color = textureColor;
Set the game object, min/max heights and alphas… Done! The shadow object this is attached to is using the Transparent/Diffuse shader, and has a black texture with a blurred white square for an alpha channel.
Pretty happy with how it turned out
Man, I’m in love with this footage! Such a cute chopper lol and the gameplay looks fun and simple.
Thanks man. Yeah, that’s pretty much the deal with Chopper Mike alright
Was bored a couple of days ago and tried to do a cover system in Unity:
Sorry for the huge gif!
Any plans on sharing or releasing the code for your cover system? that’s pretty nifty!
@osmant - looks all sorts of awesome!!
Tonight’s activity… boat physics/control test…
Pretty happy with it. Maybe game #2 after Chopper Mike