For the past few weeks after work I have been working on creating a task board editor extension similar to Trello. Although this extension takes after the look and feel of Trello, it is in no means a clone. SSTaskBoard is meant to be a suite designed for the organization of game projects, deeply integrated with the core functions of Unity 3D.
Current Features :
- Task category creation
- Task creation
- Easy editing of task and category names
- Reorganization of task categories
- Saving and loading of task board
Planned Features :
- GDD form and organizer
- Link task to objects and scripts
- Add Pictures to task
- Prioritize task
Why : I feel that a project organization tool could benefit greatly from a direct integration within Unity 3D.
Screens :
Whats The Point Of This Post? Essentially I have come to the point where developing this system any further would be beyond the needs of my personal use. So I would like to know what the community thinks of it. Please take the time to fill out this basic form containing your thoughts; don’t be afraid to bash me, I am not easily butt hurt.
Continue Development : Something like “no stop making this s***!” or “yes keep making this”.
Suggested Price Of Asset : How may coins or rare items would you spare me?
Suggested Features : Here thou shall inform me of any features thou shalt request. No matter what the cost I shall bravely implement them.
Additional Comments : List here any additional ramblings you may have good sirs.
Thank You!