[WIP] SummerGear - an TRUE car simulator

When my summer car meets NFS Carbon meets Romania
The point is an TRUE and ACCURATE project car/illegal racing simulator which happens in early 2010s Romania.
The game is made using Unity and the source code is pure unity C# (because is more stable than actual Visual scripting/FSMs and over time it becomes easy to use it)
The car physics are made from scratch as commercial assets are expensive and too complex
The game will have an big map (which already exists but is made in another project as the main one is a mess) based on south eastern part of romania

and… The game plot will focus on early 2010s Romanian car culture and illegal racing, and this enables the player to own different car and modify/swapping them by unbolt and bolt parts with actual wrenches and the game also will be an survival like First person game.

For those will say that the game is MSC but with another econombox… this is actually 50% true and false, because the game is based on ideas of how MSC mechanics work… but just that, this needs to be a far better than MSC

The reason why is looking that in this moment is because is not very well optimized and I still working on new cars and features but for know we can enjoy that we get the player “project car” to work ;D

Little youtube video about the game

Very cool! Reminds me of My Summer Car :smiley: