Hey there!
Something More Games would like to share with you our game that we are building in Unity called The Unleveler. I am the sole programmer and 3D modeler, and you can find more information about us and our team on our website.
The Unleveler is a free-to-play game that centers around players creating levels and sharing them with their friends or the world (by making their levels public). Levels are stored in the cloud. In order to share your level, you must be able to beat it first (by clicking ‘Test’ and getting to the player finish in your level).
The idea is that players will be rewarded for playing levels and their levels being played. They will earn Unleveler Points which will allow them to purchase new object packs and the ability to create more levels (all of that is subject to change). Players will also be able to purchase Something More points with real money to purchase in-game objects as well.
Please click HERE to download the Unleveler and give it a try!
We need tons of feedback! Also, please like Something More Games on Facebook to follow us and get updates or just keep checking the site.
As a company, we do need to make money. We are still trying to figure out the best way to go about this. We feel like a free-to-play game with microtransactions will be the best approach, but we need feedback! Should we go with an upfront cost and the whole game is free (with free trials, etc)? Should we go with the microtransactions? Should it be something else entirely? We’d like to hear from the community before we make a decision!
Level storage
Level creation
Move camera with arrow keys or WASD
Can select multiple objects that you have placed by clicking and dragging
Can move objects that you have selected by clicking on one again and dragging.
Can scale blocks when you are placing one and hold control BEFORE you click and move your mouse around.
Level settings to change lighting, sky, music.
Lots more.
Level sharing
Friend system
Playing a level
6/8/14 New Monner! The monner looks a lot better now and has fur and what not.
In game incentives
DONE Better looking Monner (the name of the creature that the player controls)
More objects and level customizing options
Store for new objects
Events system
Better performance for large levels
Monner customization
Unity pro for full shadows and what not
Better in-game gameplay features (including a primitive combat system, new objectives, etc)