Ultimate toon water is an all-in-one solution for Cartoon/Toon water. Suitable for normal Windows/Linux/Mac/Web builds as well as mobile. The asset is almost completed. Will be submitted to the asset store this weeks. Please let me know what you think and if this assets needs a certain component not named in the features below.
This is some really great stuff! I will certainly buy this as soon as it is available! Upping the resolution of the texture (especially the particles) would greatly help it’s look.
About the GPU rendering: The first two waveforms are being calculated by the GPU. If you add more, the CPU will have to come in. This is due to mobile support. However I will also write a shader that renders up to 4 waveforms in the GPU for desktop solutions.
Nice Score!
I’ve created a bot now that can only accept the same input as a human would do (so up down left right shift) and the best time the bot has had so far is 24.68 seconds.
Added in 2 AI boats for you to compete against as well as a longer track. Enjoy!
Also the AI boats do not check for other players and so. So expect some weird behavior (other then racing with rocket boosted mechanical sharks).
After the code has been cleaned, I will submit this package to the asset store. Expect this to be Wednesday or Thursday.
A simpler version of the boat controller will be added with the example of how to create your own boat controller since the powerboat controller is not part of the package.
Addition to the mini game, if you hit P, you can toggle the autopilot.
The package is uploaded and awaiting review. Demo scenes will be updated later tonight.
The first month it will be 20 dollars. After that it goes to up.
For existing users, there is going to be an important change:
A more modular and optimized version of UTW was introduced in this package. This will replace the old version over time. Migration is very simple and should take no more than 10 minutes (when taking things very very slow, read every detail there is, etc.). I hope you understand that this is necessary and will result in a better version. You are of course free to use the Legacy version that will be included in the package, but doesn’t receive all the updates there are.
The manual will contain the upgrade instructions to upgrade from legacy to the latest version. I have complete faith that the upgrade will go fine in most cases, but if there are any questions you are free to ask them here. I will answer these as soon as possible.