[WIP] Valymdia - west vale


I’m beginning a new scenery. The zone is a plain wedged between mountains in a fantasy world called Valymdia.
Actually I’m testing lighting and atmosphere.
In the futur I’ll add a magnetic road leading to the entrance of the city.
Cliffs are done in mudbox and painted in substance painter 2.
I’m using RTP for ground texture and AFS for grass.

To do : more cliffs/rocks and boulders. Variations for trees. New plants. Main assets.

ps: Argonath is a photogrammetry test. I’ll remove it after :slight_smile:


Wow these are Unity screenshots?!!? :o Insane! Looks like real life! Unbelievable what some people can do with Unity! Great work man!

Thanks !
I hope pictures are not to dark for you. I think my monitor gamma must be tweaked.

Screens looks great!
Brightness seems fine here

Brightness is good for me too! :slight_smile:

I have two screens, one is an old one that is substantially more dark than my newer one, and it actually works good on both.
On the dark one it just looks like it has a stronger contrast, which works! =)

Screenshots look nice, no brightness problems here (not 100% sure of my screen settings, I usually have them set to “as standard as possible” but I know they might have been mixed with recently).
Are you set on the name Kalymdia? I read that as Chlamydia, and I suspect others might as well (although perhaps not as much as me since I am from Sweden where we spell chlamydia as Klamydia).


This looks pretty fantastic! Very realistic! Great work! :slight_smile:

Cool, thanks for the feedback!

Indeed, chlamydia is not poetic :smile: (never type this word in google search image…) The name is not set in stone.
I change the name. Valymdia seems good too :slight_smile:

Thanks you !

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Very nice :slight_smile:

Just saw these. Beautiful stuff as always. Cannot wait to see more.

General question, not related to the images.
Are you using TC2, Gaia or any other of the recent tools for Unity?

Thank you sib.

I’m using :
-world machine to generate heigtmaps, splatmaps and normal maps
-RTP as ground material
-TC1 to import maps and generate wild grass based on layers
-I place trees/rocks manually

I will definitely use TC2 when it is out.

This was exactly my thought as well : p I think the name change was a good idea : )

I read that before reading the other posts and still my first thought was that it sounds too similar to Chlamydia. I think you should go away from that even further. It too much of a low hanging fruit for bad jokes in reviews.

Screenshots look nice, but a bit too dark for my taste. You need to accommodate that some people will have monitors that are too dark, and for those the game probably would be functionally unplayable because they can’t make out enough information. I use my monitors for print graphics jobs and they should have fairly accurate color representation, and for me its already a bit too dark to be comfortable. So either go a bit brighter overall, or include adjustable gamma, or both :).
Keep it up, looks promising!

I’m almost done my rock library. 1 Medium, 3 or 4 small and I finished.
Rocks are sculpted in mudbox and textured in substance painter. I created a smart material to get the same look for all of them (between realistic and stylized)

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The scenery looks fantastic!!!
“Actually I’m testing lighting and atmosphere.”
So,could you please share some experience with us?
I think that the lighting is very beautiful and ravishing.Have you used GI(baked or Precomputed Realtime)?
In my opinion,i think you didn’t use GI…
But what methods you have used to make it so nice?

Thanks Xstar, here some infos:

I’m using Precomputed reatime GI with very low settings.
I’m starting by setting the fog according to the skybox.
For the grass I’m using AFS https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/3253
with approximated translucency on grass.
After I’m adding ToneMapping and color grading to the camera and tweak filmic curve and color grading.
Usually, I’m setting shadows color more or less the opposite of highlights (if highlights are yellow, shadows are ± blue/purple) But it’s not a fixed rule :slight_smile:
Then I add Sun shafts and change directional light position to match shafts orientation.
After, I add :
-global fog + height fog with low density
-Bloom (intensity 0.2 Threshold 0.15)
-Antialiasing (FXAA1p B + low vignetting effect)
-HBAO script https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/54780 a nice asset to add nice AO effect on grass and trees
-Amplify color https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/1894 to tweak Level Color Grading. in this case I’m using amplify to change only background color by using depth mask to blend mountains with the skybox and set the tonemapper to photographic

Rendering path : forward
HDR on.
color space : linear

Terrain texture : RTP 3.3 https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/5664
Trees : speetrees

I hope this helps you.


It’s my great honour to learn these from your patient reply!Thanks!
And how long you’ve spent to sculpt these mountains in WorldMachine?

Process in world machine is very fast, more or less 1 hour to complete the graph. But for next world, I’ll use Terrain composer 2, much more flexible.

I don’t think these kind of time frames help anyone (not your fault for answering the question). You can open a preset and be done in 10 minutes or tweak stuff 10+ hours. Whether or not the end result matches what you are looking for is something else entirely. I don’t think sensible estimates can be made on such things. You’ll know how long it took once you are done.

In which way? I haven’t used it, but I’m curious. Is it able to generate tiled meshes as well?