
above was post at 20140123. now the name has been named “Witchscroll” by myself. thank you all.
from now on, this thread became my “WIP”[Working In Process] thread about this game.
I may post updates during the developing. any comment are welcome.


This is a 3d side scroll arpg set in a fantasy world. the character in these screenshots is just a temp one, it will be replaced with a sword-master man. he have sword in hand, but no shield, wear light armor[leather+cloth+chain] and mask. player may have a jouney from a small village to town, then to a fantasy forest, then to…a great jouney to defeat evil…a legend jouney.
anything about what you think about this game, do you like it? also any ideas/suggestion are welcome.

Best wishes.


I don’t have a good suggestion, unfortunately, but I recommend you just keep developing it, as one will probably come to you. We aren’t privy to the deeper aspects of your game/story, and thus will just come up with generic names that won’t really describe yours at all.

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I’m glad to see you kind words. about deeper aspects of my game/story, i have writed a doc with details, but prefer to keep it undercover atm.
there is only one main characer, and he is a swords/sneak master man weared leather armor.
he is traveling in a chaos world, a world with medieval and fantasy scenes, swords, armors, monsters, evil witch…

Keep developing because name for the game, for some people, is kept at the near completion of the project so that the name itself can reflect the whole game-play.

By the way, really nice graphic you have there. :slight_smile:

I will “second” the recommendations above - let that name come to you! Some random morning after an all-night development session, a name will come to you.

Great job from what I can see in the screen shots. Keep up the good work, and remember: finish what you start!

Thank you all.

I will keep developing till the whole game is finished. prosses may post here weekly.
anything about what/how you think about this game, ideas, recommendations, bricks are welcome.
see you around.

The game should basically name itself. Literally and metaphorically. After development is close to being finished, the game should have a very obvious choice for the name. Keep going though, it looks amazing so far.

“The Crushing Scrolls Saga: To the Edge of Candy”

Seriously though, you should name your own game.

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“Blood Steel” coz why the hell not.

I was going to suggest The Candy Saga



seriously, ‘Dave’?

Knight’s breath

Here’s how I name my indie games:
I’ve got my main 8 strategies I made up, here they are:

1. Incorrect Spacing:
Start off with a simple few words e.g. Only x No y
Now combine the words together: OnlyxNoy
Now split it apart: Onlyx Noy
This works only in some examples as it can give a very original name or it can turn it into complete gibberish.

2. Relation Themes
Now think of all the words which relate to the game
e.g. Exploration, Open, Bright, Colourful, Huge
Now keep trying to combine them until you are satisfied: Colour, Huge
Now link the words together: Coluge

Those two were for more ‘indie’ names, here are some better ones:

3. Main Points
Look at the main parts of the game.
Pick out names from the key features in the game,
So to speak, some real examples are, Trine, Portal, Minecraft, Alien Swarm etc.

4. Metaphors
Look at sections of the game and find metaphors for it, and then use them in the title.
Another Example is Mirrors Edge or Braid.

5. Development Naming
As you go along creating the game, you learn about your idea you have of your game.
The name will become clearer and clearer too come up with.
So if you are stuck on the naming part, don’t worry as it will come to you when you least expect it.

6. Relax
Usually when I relax, the best ideas come to me, occasionally being game ideas, ways to fix a code and sometimes names for game ideas.
Meditation can also help you think clearer about a name.

7A. List Choice
Keep writing down the name ideas which come to you, no matter how stupid.
Eventually you’ll get to a stage where you have a large amount of ideas for names.
Now choose your favourite.

7B. List Combine
This time instead, combine the names of your favourite together. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

7C. List Judge
Now, get many people to judge your name ideas and the average top voted will be your chosen idea.

8. It’s Up to you!
Be as creative as possible.
The way the gaming industry is going, you can make your names as wacky as possible.
It’s also about the target audience.

So try and both make your mind and your game name up.
Hope some of this helps.


Thank you all.

due to these reply, i think most of you like the graphic so far. that’s good.
I will post more screenshots later about the secound part of level1 — the town view.
progress going slow this week, but the cog is still going.
It’s so nice to see some people like my game. see you.


Must i take Relax to my game name?

Night Knight. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you make money off of that name we’ll negotiate fees :wink:

Hi, all. long time to see.

about the name of this game, i think something like “tale of scroll” or “scrolltale” or something like "xxx"scroll looks better.
this is a side scroll fantasy arpg, so the word “scroll” seems very fit the name. i think the name need be more unique, and have the word–“scroll”, so i think the “scrolltale” is better, how do you think?
the town part of level1 been reconcepted. here is the new concept.

You have some good advice on names in this thread - here’s something else to consider: SEO (search engine optimisation). You will want people to find your game in app stores/steam etc and find your site on google. If the name is too generic or similar to something else you will be lost pages down on search results, but its also got to be easy to remember. You see a lot of good games here that have names that will not even return their website when searched for in google; they are making life difficult for themselves.

Anyway the screenshots look good, I especially like the design of the village. Best of luck.

Hi spacemammot
about the name, i finally shoot it down. I name this game ----“Witchscroll”.
here is a picture i drawed hours ago about the name. get the feeling?
and about the sence screenshots i post earlier, i change the camorer so that enlarge the view. i also change the skybox color to more blue. i’m intend to use colors to get a night feeling and avoid to make the scene too dark.
see you next update.