Here’s the Javascript code (not UnityScript):
/* Wipeout 1k */
var M = Math;
var sin = M.sin;
var cos = M.cos;
var d = document;
var canvas = d.getElementById("c");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); = 0; = "hidden";
var width = canvas.width = innerWidth;
var height = canvas.height = innerHeight;
var left = -width/2;
var ttop = -height/2;
var scale = height/4;
// inefficient, I know, but hey we have the bytes :-)
var text = ["1111 111",
" 1 1",
" 1 11",
" 1 1",
"1 1 1",
" 11 111",
" 1 1 1",
" 11 1 1",
" 1 11",
" 1 11",
" 1 1 1",
" 111 1 1"];
var textscroll = -20;
var textoffset = 3;
var rings = 32;
var ringsize = 30;
var zmax = 3;
var zstep = 2*zmax / rings;
var tstep = 2*M.PI/ringsize;
var zshift = zstep;
function rgb(r,g,b) { return "rgb("+ ~~r +","+ ~~g +","+ ~~b +")" }
setInterval(function() {
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
var date = +new Date;
if (zshift < 0)
zshift += zstep;
var ringb = 0;
var zr=rings-1;
while ( zr--)
var z = zr * zstep + zshift;
var color = 200-200/(zmax+zshift) * z;
var color2 = color/2;
ctx.strokeStyle = rgb(color2,color2,color2)
var posx = sin(z+date/1700) * 70;
var posy = cos(z+date/1100) * 70;
var ringf = []
for (var r=0 ; r<ringsize*4 ; r+=4)
var column = r/4;
var t = column*tstep + M.PI + sin(date/3700); // includes roll
var multiplier = scale / z;
ringf[r] = posx + cos(t) * multiplier;
ringf[r+1] = posy + sin(t) * multiplier;
ringf[r+2] = posx + cos(t+tstep) * multiplier;
ringf[r+3] = posy + sin(t+tstep) * multiplier;
var textindex = (textscroll + zr) % (40);
var textcolor1 = text[textindex] ? text[textindex][column-textoffset] : 0;
var dark = color/4;
ctx.fillStyle= rgb(
+textcolor1 ? M.max(150 +~~(105*sin(date/100)), dark) : color2/4,
column % 16 == 0 (zr + textscroll) % 12 ? 255 : dark,
if (ringb)
ctx.moveTo(ringf[r], ringf[r+1]);
ctx.lineTo(ringf[r+2], ringf[r+3]);
ctx.lineTo(ringb[r+2], ringb[r+3]);
ctx.lineTo(ringb[r], ringb[r+1]);
ringb = ringf;
}, 50);
Here’s what it looks like :
How diffiuclt would it be to implement this in Unity?
I’ve seen it asked for before. Maybe we can have a community effort and then publish the result to the WIKI?