Wobbling object created with 'Network.Instantiate'

Hi, I instantiate object over the network. Each object has an NetworkView and a Rigidbody component.

Client code:

public class Client : MonoBehaviour { 

   public GameObject playerPrefab; 

   void OnGUI() 
      GUILayout.Space (50); 
         Network.Connect("", 25000); 
   void OnConnectedToServer() 
          Vector3 p=new Vector3(); 
      for(int i=0;i<15;i++) 
             Network.Instantiate(playerPrefab, p, transform.rotation, 0); 

Server code:

public class Server : MonoBehaviour { 

   void OnGUI() 
         Network.InitializeServer(32, 25000); 

I attached two videos that shows the behavior on the client and on the server. I also attached the complete project.
As you can see, the objects on the server are wobbeling and moving slower as on the client.

Can anybody explain why and how to solve it?


112386–4316–$project_211.zip (491 KB)
112386–4317–$servermov_594.zip (291 KB)
112386–4318–$clientmov_284.zip (100 KB)

I’m not immediately able to help here but I can say that this should have been posted in the Multiplayer Networking section so I’m moving this thread in 3… 2… 1…