Wondering about the new Shortcut Manager MMB orbit configuration...

Hi, @smcclelland
Since you are working in the Shortcut Manager, and I’m testing 2019.2
I’m wondering if in Unity 2019.2 mouse configuration will be included.
Is very frustrating jumping 3D apps and not having a homogeneous interface across the 3D pipeline.
As a solution, I configure all my 3D app to use the MMB to orbit around.
Unity is the last one: I hope it will let me configure this option!


This is not something we will ship with 2019.2 but is highly requested so we might consider it for 2019.3

Thanks for your feedback


I do not know where I’m coming from. I presume I’m coming from 80s some 3D Commodore 128 application that at that time was called programs running in GEOS OS. I think my first render was made there or Amiga 500 (TSilver or Sculpt 4D?? ray trace rendering). Then Alias Silicon Graphics (at school) later with marking menu and so 3ds Max was boring for me. Alias later was cut into two: Alias and Maya for rendering. So it became extremely expensive with fewer features and same bugs so migrated from Unix to PC Rhinoceros 3D mouse system, Catia and Solidworks at work, then Sketchup fast interface for extruding and now fantastic Blender 2.8. So my workflow now is to make the hard surface modelling industrial design surface in Rhino and then mesh it, export it to Blender for UV, then Painter and finally Unity. Zbrush for sculpting and then to Blender, etc. But I still use occasionally other 3D like Terragen, Speedtree, RizomUV, other photometry 3D tools, other 3D painting tools and for bump mapping, free aerodynamic tools, etc, etc… I think in the 90s there was a period when smokers need the left hand somehow free…I do not smoke but that constrain the layout of keys for some 3D tools to be used with only one hand. I find that very relaxing for just inspecting the scene or the model.

And was a nightmare before just using MMB for orbit. I switch to MMB recently in all my 3D tools.
I strongly recommend"

[note: left and right as app default: left for selecting and right for pan, making menus, tools, or redo the last operation]

So no, at this moment I’m not using Wavefront or Autodesk products but MMB can benefit.
why you are asking?

I open a discussion group for a universal standard.