3 months of development with unity.
More than 5000 lines of codes.
WoodBall is now published on Google Play and coming soon to app store.
I want to thank to
- Unity3d: Wonderful Game Engine, no need to say more.
- Unity Ads: Simple implementation, great support, good looking ads. I will write details as I see my revenue:)
- Smart Localization ( Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making ) : Free! and the best.
- Soomla (http://soom.la/): used for IAP, but I will use other services of Soomla. Easy and very good support.
- GPG Unity Plugin (GitHub - playgameservices/play-games-plugin-for-unity: Google Play Games plugin for Unity): yeah not the best, but good enough for a free project. Still in active development. I believe it will be good.
- Immersion force feedback(http://www.immersion.com/): Used for vibration feedback, totally free, single line of code and that is it.