hey guys,
So i have created a few small unity apps and put them on my site www.expt2rlty.com .
There is one on the front page, that mostly works (of a house).
And one on this page http://expt2rlty.com/portfolio/3d-web-example of a character on a bike…or so i thought, but this only seems to work on my computer or some computers.
Im trying to get paid work doing this so obviously it needs to work well.
Any advice would be massively welcomed. Would really like to know whats going on??
That’s difficult to do as you’ve not given us any real details about what is or isn’t working. Is it that the web player detection is broken on some machines? Is it that the content loads but “misbehaves” in some way on some machines? In cases like this it’s really important to provide as specific and detailed information as possible. So, what exactly is or isn’t happening here and on what machines are you testing?
I opened the second link you posted and the Unity example loaded just fine.
Your scene contained a 3D model of Dorothy (the character) on a bicycle and a camera with the MouseOrbit script attached to it.
Was it suppose to have some sort of animation? What exactly is not working?
PS: I’m using a MacBook white released Later 2009.
The one on the front (the house) worked as well, but I had to refresh the browser once because the loading stopped.
It seems that the problem could be in the server hosting the build because the loading rate was very unstable.
How big is your scene? In MB?