Hey guys,
Much like a lot of you, I’ve run into the bug where the first element in an array or list in the inspector is broken and won’t let you edit it properly. However, I believe I’ve found a work around people can use until this bug is fixed.
I found that this bug doesn’t appear if you are using a custom inspector. Now, some of you might not want to make a custom inspector, or might not be at the stage where you want to implement custom inspectors, but the good news is this works even if all you do is import the Default Inspector into your custom inspector.
Unity already has documentation on how to create this so I’ll just link it here: Unity - Manual: Create a Custom Inspector
Unfortunately any Attributes you use (such as the [Header] attribute) won’t show up but I figure that’s better than not being able to edit the first property in your arrays/lists.
Hopefully this is helpful for some of you guys, and hopefully Unity fixes this issue the LTS versions soon!