Work in Progress ... and maybe a Windows Bug

Here’s a link to a project I’m developing (strangely enough) for a University study (part of the study requires it to look like a reasonably credible commercial game). So far I’ve spent about three days on it (not long days either, maybe 10-15h total). So I think it’s a bit of an ad for how quickly you can prototype something in Unity… and this is writing ALL the code from scratch (except for the menu/title code which is straight out of MANTA … I think I’ll be using that code quite a bit).

(This should tell you why I’ve been spamming y’all with questions about wheelcolliders.)

Now the interesting thing is that on the Windows side, the cameras don’t all work. I get garbage in the top half of the screen. As far as I can tell, I’m only using about 60MB of video RAM, and it’s showing this on every PC I’ve tested (including one with 256MB of video RAM).

If you have any feedback I’d love to hear it. I think it’s probably “good enough” for the study, but I’d love to improve the code and use it for an upcoming project (which I think you will probably like… I know Levan is pretty excited about it).


The car handling feels somewhat bizarre, but it looks good and runs great on my G5.


Looks good, runs well. Problem with the controls is that you have to hold the button too long to elicit a response from the car, but hold it for a moment longer and the car turns wildly.

I can confirm the same garbage bug on my XP computer.

I also think the steering seems to have a strange sensitivity, possibly in the input manager, the value may be too low.

I am not sure if you are adjusting the sensitivity with speed, but it may help.

steerMagnitude = Mathf.Lerp( maxSteerAngle, MinSteerAngle, rigidbody.velocity.magnitude/maxSpeed);

The environment looks really nice. And the collisions with the walls are often pretty good (except for hitting at too hard of an angle due to the steering problem).

I am indeed adjusting sensitivity with speed.

Hmm … I think I know what the problem there is. I’ll fix it in the next version.

Just posted a new version with (I think) improved steering code. Basically a apply a non-linear scaling function to steering (based on current speed). There was no linear approach I tried that produced anything near a pleasant result. (I also note that Jcar simply uses Input.GetAxis(“Horizontal”).)

The new steering function seems to be more pleasant to me AND to the AI drivers :slight_smile:


Hey this is looking really good - nice work considering the development time.

Can I ask you what is your near clipping value on your cameras? Have a fiddle with that and see if it helps the garbage problem. Try a range of values like 0.001 to sort of 0.999.

I can try that but why would it help? In the gameplay scene the cameras are identically configured and the bottom one works.

I’ve reported it as a bug.

Is it possible for gettin the source code. I was on learning JCar and still newbie :wink:

I was learn JCar and gettin stucked in steering, wheel and moving backward.
When car hit something it won’t move backward n keep forward, so everything stucked and get to endtask.
Is there any sample code or guide references for creating moving backward acceleration on JCar iPhone?
Any suggest would so appreciated.
Thanks all.