[Worker0] Prefab instance problem. Missing Prefab Asset, every time I change code releated to entities

I am currently using Unity 2022.3.42 and Entities 1.2.4. Every time I am changing code, relating to entities, my subscene reimprot fails with the error message
[Worker0] Prefab instance problem. Missing Prefab Asset:
Clicking reimport, closing or opening scene doesnt help. Only editor restart helps and everything works as expected. There is no such issue on Unity 2023.3.35.
Any advise would be helpful.

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This is a known regression.

Thanks! I really don’t understand why this is not instantly fixed. Unity is not usable because of this. And I cant downgrade Unity version just because they have Jobs scheduling issue in the earlier versions…

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This issue is also entirely blocking our current development! (2022.3.40f1, Entities 1.2.3)

This occurs when a prefab either in the subscene’s hierarchy or a prefab referenced in a baker in a subscene has any kind of MonoBehevior component (URPMaterialPropertyBaseColor or any other Authoring or just an empty MonoBehavior for example).

Almost one month have passed since this SHOWSTOPPER was reported and there is no response. This is simply outrageous.

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