Also I really want to use IShortcutToolContext in my shortcuts for interactive scene control via shortcuts.
This is used in the flythrough mode in the scene camera controller.
It’s not possible to add any interactive scene controls (using the new ShortcutManagement system) without this, all because this interface was deemed “internal” only.
There are SO MANY great tools that can be made with access to this interface (such as completely custom scene camera controllers!) – And it would bring money to you on the Asset Store.
So why am I not allowed to implement my own camera orbit behavior – or even a gradual color modification/tweak for a gameobject while holding a key for R, G, or B?
These are simple tool ideas, but much better stuff could be made if people had this available.
Lots of cool tools will never be possible with the new shortcut management system policing our access to this context…
Here is a proof Unity is stubborn and lazy.
Look, I’m using 4K monitor and I have to press and hold on the down arrow for few minutes to select the script to reorder. No scrollbar for +10 years and I can’t believe it.
I reported this while ago and they said they will fix it but no one really cares.
Yeah, I checked 2019.3 where they are working on the nice and shiny UI themes but this stupid UI is still there. What’s the point when nothing changed fundamentally?
I don’t really care about the new theme. It’s better and worse and matter of personal preferences, instead, they should really fix the UX.
Unity, please wake up and do something about overhauling UX if you cannot make the editor faster by at least 5x. We are in the 21st century now.
Please change the (seemingly) random behaviour of Object and Prefab XYZ origins when dragging into the hierarchy
and properly center to the parent object.
As you can see, I try to drag a prefab onto an zeroed object, and expect it to center to it, like in every other software but it does do some random offset every time.
I asked everyone I know and all thought it was a bug. There is some crazy camera view behaviour doing this but nobody understands and it wastes a lot of time and adds frustration. (Also Prefabs are not centered in Prefab scenes either, which does not matter but feels wierd and buggy also)
This is something that affects everyone for every object they drag into the hierarchy, and it makes the editor feel buggy and random.
EDIT: NVM, this feature is available in 2019.3 at least
Pretty frustrated right now. Why making objects unselectable is still not a feature?? It’s so obvious and simple. I needed it all the time.
Currently arranging a group of objects inside another object which I need to see, so I can’t disable it or hide it, but I assigned a transparent material (toggle object transparent in one click would also be nice but needed rarely…). There are also some objects inside that I don’t want to select or move. And it’s selecting a parent game object before it’s selecting anything I need. So moving an object is at least a 4 clicks operation. 1 select parent of the container mesh, 2 select container mesh. 3 select mesh inside it, 4 click and drug the gizmo.
Now I remember. I always needed to be able to control selection behavior where I needed parent object always selected instead of it’s children, because It had to remain whole and unchanged. Or where I needed only children to be selectable because a container was irrelevant and never had to be selected.
No video, but a first class support for Editor folders and .asmdef files is sorely needed.
For instance, Oculus VR integration adds a bunch of folders inside its Oculus folder and I have to manually add .asmdef files to each subfolder/module and link up their inter-dependencies. Then finally, for each subfolder and sometimes even for small utils folders inside them, they have an Editor folder with maybe just one or two decorator drawers. This is painless if you don’t use .asmdef files, but for any non-trivial sized project you have to use .asmdef files for sane build and iteration times and it is just a lot of friction to manually set up .asmdef files for external packages like this and to maintain when updating the packages.
I’m sure the Oculus team could improve the experience and maybe introduce these .asmdef files themselves, so maybe I am barking up the wrong tree here, but as a consumer this is a really painful experience for all packages on the asset store today.
Hi there - I had a read through your thread, can I ask what parts were being ignored? you especially gave a lot of great feedback there, so i’m keen to understand what went on or didn’t - please DM if you’d prefer. I hear you about neglecting threads though, I am guilty of that to some extent, i’m taking my time getting back to this thread for example, so I’d be hypocritical if I said others need to improve, we all need to. Thanks so much for raising this though.
Hey John, yeah 100% this is bad. Have prodded the Animation team about it to take a look, we have new animation systems being worked on now so its always a good time for UX feedback on the old one - this isn’t the first time we’ve heard about this either, so we need to address it for sure. The same applies to long scrolling in the Hierarchy for example, lots of pain points to address there. Thanks for raising this!
Very good point, checking with the editor team will get back to you. I think I’ve asked the same in the past and heard about performance, not sure though.
Hi John , I hear what you’re saying about pagination, totally agree it would help in a few places. I’d also like to add more in context search using the new Quick Search feature we added (see package manager, will eventually be built in directly). This assignment and location of ‘the correct asset or gameobject’ is something we can boost your productivity by fixing a lot. Thanks for your thoughts! oh btw, the grouping thing is still on it’s way last I checked. In 19.3 we have hierarchy locking, grouping got delayed I believe, I will check with Editor team for you.
Hey vertexx, I noticed this myself recently when working on my game, and i’m really confused as to why this changed, am speaking to our Build teams about it, seems odd. Will let you know! thanks for raising it!
Hey Chris. Thanks for the reply here. I feel your frustration, I know that sounds like a lame thing to say but I actually do being a user too - and I want to reassure you we’re not just lazy or stubborn here. I wish we were, we could just nudge some people to not be like that! We’re a huge team trying to achieve all manner of things, and yes - some of the time the important stuff like that list you mentioned falls through the cracks, that’s exactly what I’m working to fix here at Unity, and I appreciate your support in raising issues like this. Regarding performance in the editor specifically, we’re making a lot of headway on this, parts of this will arrive in 19.3 and 20.1 which are things like the new UI (based on the faster UI Elements framework) and a big part is the new asset database, a wholesale replacement of the existing one, which causes a lot of slow down in the editor across the board when touching assets. We know how painful it is for a lot of projects to have a slow editor, and we’re on it.
Hi there, we’re working on a Build Configurations project that is aimed at this issue specifically. The aim is to give you a configurations you can tweak and deploy as you need to with variations on things like platform settings and player settings etc.
Additionally, the vision we have for the upcoming versions of Unity next year (and we have a lot of this working in experimental builds already) is to give you direct throughput to the device (or devices, plural), with changes made in playmode without having to rebuild, this is pretty magical (I’ve seen it in action) and hopefully will solve your problems here.
Regarding the specifics of what you’re asking about with parameters, I will ask our devs and get back to you.
Discussing this with Editor team, thanks for raising it! We’re looking at Scene tooling and have a new team working on it actually so its a great time to raise it.
Favourites could be pretty useful, yep - we were discussing this the other week. As for ways to search have you tried the new Quick Search feature (see package manager)? also, that aside, what would you want adding to the existing search of the Hierarchy?
Hey, so this is a longstanding piece of nonsense, will ask the Scene tooling team what they can do, its weird we haven’t fixed this, you’re right - the logic the editor is applying here just ain’t right.