Hey guys!
I have a general workflow question. Is there a clean way to expand spritesheets that are already in use in a project? I’m drawing my own sprites, and adding new ones as I go along. The options I am aware of are:
Adding a completely new spritesheet every time I draw something new. This clutters the project with tons of files, though.
Expanding a spritesheet only downwards, e.g. turning a 160x160 sheet to a 160x320 sheet and slicing the already used parts identically as they were before, so the old references in tiles, renderers and animations don’t get lost. This seems like a much better option, but since I can only safely expand downwards, I’ll probably start unnecessarily making spritesheets too wide so I have enough room for expansion without eventually turning a 64x64 sheet to a 64x640 tower.
Is there a cleaner way than the two I’ve described?
Thanks in advance! =)