[Working Alpha] THE COMPANY: Could you have the world?

The Company takes you on a brutal trip through the business world, simulating every aspect of a company’s rise to world domination. Using more than 50 variables, the game’s engine can calculate precise growth figures and takes into account a huge amount of factors, from political tensions in neighboring countries to your employee’s happiness with their salaries.

The game is currently in pre-alpha stage and we’re looking for feedback and ideas! We have no doubt that there is a huge market of potential entrepeneurs who are interested in this genre, so we’d like to know what are your opinions and comments on the game.

The UI is very simple. If you could suggest a general design, what would it be?

We’ll launch the pre-alpha version of the game in a couple of days and we’re very interested in hearing from you guys on any suggestions!
The link to download it (for free) is: Game Jolt - Share your creations

Thank you!

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Hey guys!

QUICK update video! Just showing some updates we’ve done to the game:

  1. We’ve added the popable expansion bubbles that give you entrepeneurial drive points when clicked! These will make the game a bit more interactive and easier to accumulate the drive points that are essential to growing your company’s motivation and culture.

  2. We’ve fully programmed the economic buttons, they’re now working and we’ve tested them out and modified them so that they actually change the revenue growth formula effectively.

We’re still looking forward to any feedback you guys have! We know how important it is to get other people’s opinions and we’re more than happy to change something or discuss new ideas!

PS: Take a look at that dynamic change in the game’s variables as the years pass! The game was made to simulate realistic world conditions and simulates 100 background companies as well as your country’s development, so even if you just sit back and relax, stuff will be happening! (The game was massively sped up just to show how things drastically change. Every game is different, as we use a lot of random events!)

Hi all!

We’re happy to announce that we just released our first PRE-ALPHA version!
Download at: Game Jolt - Share your creations

If you’re going to try out the game, please read this:

  • The game obviously has no tutorials or objectives, YET.
  • We’re looking for GENERAL FEEDBACKS as to layout, how easy the interface is and whatever you feel like commenting!
  • The ONLY selectable countries are in SOUTH AMERICA!
  • The Drive points and the Drive Tab (the head with the question mark) don’t work yet. If clicked, the game will respond in unexpected ways.
    - It’ll be very appreciated, even if you just leave us a “this game is crap!” comment… (we’re hoping for something more constructive, though haha)

Please bear in mind that this is an extremely early pre-alpha version.

We’re really just looking to get out there and get some feedback.

Thank you!

Looks like plague Inc reskinned…

Nevertheless Looking for any new devs? I enjoy working on games like this :slight_smile: looks like you got a solid foundation I would love to help make this a success

Shoot me an email deathcrow4561@gmail.com

@FlamingGenius thank you for the response! Have you tested the game out on gamejolt?(Game Jolt - Share your creations)
It’s free and we’ve just added an online webplayer using the WebGL for Unity.

While Plague Inc was definitely a big inspiration for us, The Company is VERY different in theme, mechanics and complexity when compared to it. The general layout, though, is very similar as we initially planned to base it on existing formats, so we see where your thoughts are coming from.

However, the player can influence more than 50 variables with their actions, making every move play a major influence in the long-term growth of The Company! We also plan to add more than 100 random events to the beta version, which will give it a huge replayability factor and actually engage the player in important decision-making and not merely involve re-doing the same thing over and over like many current RTS titles out there.

We’re honored by your proposal to help us, but unfortunately we’ve got a rather large team as is. As the game progresses we might need more help and it would be a pleasure to contact you!

We’re very happy to announce that our second pre-alpha version will come out TOMORROW at night and will have:

  • Immersive tutorial to help players grasp all the complexity of The Company,
  • Full playability, including using Entrepeneurial Drive points,
  • Unlockable achievements by increasing revenues and penetrating the market.

To play it, follow our page on gamejolt:Game Jolt - Share your creations
Or you can get it firsthand from our indiedb: http://www.indiedb.com/games/the-company/downloads/alpha-thecompany-010

The game will come out tomorrow at about 8pm!

Hello entrepeneurs!

We’re very happy to announce that out first working alpha has been released!
To get it firsthand, try it out at: Game Jolt - Share your creations
Also available at: [ALPHA] TheCompany 0.2.0 file - IndieDB

We’ve polished the game mechanics and it’s fully playable. We’re aiming at gathering feedback to increase replayability and have a vast amount of random events and possible unique game paths. What do you think of the game so far?

Hey there!

We’re happy to announce that we have a new team member responsible for the UI and art elements! Here are a few screenshots of what the next, sleek patch will look like!

Reworked Money Panel

Reworked main screen and events

Escape menu

Thank you and check us out at: Game Jolt - Share your creations

We’re happy to announce that the new patch, version 0.2.3, is ready!

We’ve added an unconventional easter egg in the game, the first person to find Gary and comment a screenshot of him here will have their name eternalized in the game’s description AND credits as ‘first entrepeneur’!

What’s new:

-All events now have icon pictures!


-Fixed major flaws with the upgrade buttons that would cause the game to spiral out of control
-Added 10 more random events to spice things up

What’s up with Gary, though?

We’re very happy to annouce that we’ve decided to join Steam Concepts and showcase our development there as well.

THIS IS NOT A SALES PITCH OR SPAM. We would really appreciate all kinds of comments and/or votes, as we’re looking to improve our game and offer the best experience we can.

To help us out, just leave a vote or comment at: Steam Community :: Error

In a very near future, we’ll be using feedback and support gathered there to move onto Greenlight and officially launch The Company!

See you soon,


After more than 2 months planning this release, studying all metrics and tweaking economic formulas, I’m proud to say that we’re finally happy with our release 0.2.4 of The Company!

The game is now very dynamic, challenging and subtle changes or decisions affect the player in very unexpected ways.

The new version adds:

  • 50 Unique Events
  • Expansion to other continents
  • More losing conditions
  • Improved game AI, harder to massively increase profits
  • Better gameplay (space bar now pauses and upauses the game and esc closes windows)
  • Deeper explanations on upgrades

To download the latest version: http://www.indiedb.com/games/the-company

Hope you guys enjoy and please do leave a comment or feedback!