Hi. I have this Spreadsheet in my project. I need to access the file to read and write to this spreadsheet (the data is of course the most important part), plus reading and writing the formatting options for cells (mainly colour, border and text style) and adding / removing rows. I tried googling a bit but couldn’t find much, all C# libraries for excel files seem to either be discontinued or incomplete; is there anything like openpyxl that works with C#?
Also is there a way to work directly with Unity and the Google Sheets API? I need to upload any changes I make to the spreadsheets, but I checked the Google API and it doesn’t seem to support C# so I don’t think there’s any direct way of interacting unity → google sheets. It’s not a problem right now as I have a python script that can upload/download the file, but maybe there’s an easier solution and I missed something.
Do you mean about the formatting and coloring? I know that’s not portable. It might be exposed in the API somehow. Probably best to start with the docs. I have only used google sheets for localized text.
Ideally keep all your data IN Unity, perhaps in a CSV file you parse, or else in ScriptableObjects or JSON.
Adding an extra external step is only justifiable when your workflow benefits from it.
If you just need lightweight runtime configuration changes, Unity offers a remote configuration package, and others do it too such as Firebase and Leanplum.