Working with player keyboard input

I am working on a riddle puzzle game for my games design course in college and I am trying to figure out how to set up the primary mechanic; inputting an answer into a text bar which then opens the door to the next room.

I have created the text and script but now I want to know how to allow the player to type the answer.

I also can’t seem to be able to drag the UI objects from the hierarchy into the script fields.

RiddleUI Inspector. When I drag the appropriate object to the UI Settings fields, they won’t connect.

When I click the mouse on the black answer text button, the mouse disappears and I can’t type an answer.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class RiddleMechanic : MonoBehaviour
[Header(“Riddle Settings”)]
public string riddleText = “What has keys but can’t open locks?”; // The riddle
public string correctAnswer = “piano”; // The correct answer (case insensitive)

[Header("UI Elements")]
public Text riddleDisplay; // UI Text to display the riddle
public InputField answerInput; // Input field for player input
public Text feedbackDisplay; // UI Text to show feedback

void Start()
    // Display the riddle at the start
    if (riddleDisplay != null)
        riddleDisplay.text = riddleText;

    // Clear feedback and input
    if (feedbackDisplay != null)
        feedbackDisplay.text = "";
    if (answerInput != null)
        answerInput.text = "";

public void CheckAnswer()
    // Get the player's input
    string playerAnswer = answerInput.text.ToLower().Trim();

    // Compare with the correct answer (case insensitive)
    if (playerAnswer == correctAnswer.ToLower())
        feedbackDisplay.text = "Correct! Well done!";
        feedbackDisplay.color =;

        // Trigger any further logic (e.g., open door, reward player)
        feedbackDisplay.text = "Incorrect. Try again!";
        feedbackDisplay.color =;

void OnCorrectAnswer()
    // Placeholder for additional logic, like opening a door or progressing the story
    Debug.Log("The player answered correctly!");


first check if its a normal input field or not because if you are using TMP input field then you need to write
public TMP_InputField answerInput. the same thing goes for text objects. if its TMP then write TextMeshProUGUI

Check the Text Component field in your Input field component, if its empty then you wont be able to type anything