World Particle Collider messes up my particles

Hi I have a particle emitter set up for my spaceships engines, and it looks good and grows in length based on the engine setting. I have a couple of problems with it though.

  1. I have added a World Particle Collider to the particle system, but without doing anything else, this component has broken my nice particle stream :frowning:

See screenshots for a better explanation. First screenshot is without the world particle collider, second screenshot is with it added to the particle system.

  1. I would be grateful if someone could give me a quick overview of what I need to do to make my engine fire/flames do the folowing…
    A) Bounce of the rest of the scene just like a welding torch would.
    B) Illuminate the ship and environment when it gets close.

thanks for any assistance…

The particles are colliding with the spaceship. The easiest way to correct that is to put the spaceship on a separate Layer to the terrain then set the Layer Mask of the particle system to collide with the terrain, but not the spaceship.

As for lighting, particles don’t emit light, so what you’ll need to do is attach a light (like an omni or a spot) to the spaceship and use script to turn it on and off along with the engine fire.

Ahh layers, I wondered when I would need to learn those :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info.