World position acting weird with particle system


I’ve made a shadergraph which I am using with a particle system to create a flame distortion effect. I am using world position and animated noise nodes to make the flame particles act as one whole. My issue is that world position seems to act strange with particles. Viewed along the Z axis it displays correctly

However, along the X axis it stretches out, creating these unpleasant horizontal bands instead

Here is the relevant part of the shadergraph for reference

Do I need to somehow take into account the camera’s view angle? switching to view position instead of world position does cause it to display correctly from all angles but creates new issues with offsetting based on player position so that is not a usable solution unfortunately.

Any help on how to circumvent this issue would be greatly appreciated!

So after more experimentation the issue does seem to lie in the z axis in some way. I have found a hacky solution that lerps between the z and x axis.

This solves the issue for most view angles but not all. If anyone knows what the underlying issue is I’d still prefer to actually fix it!

I fixed it! I needed to use 3d noise which Unity does not have a built in node for. Luckily I found this great resource by Jimmy Cushnie that provides a number of different higher dimensional noise nodes! GitHub - JimmyCushnie/Noisy-Nodes: Adds various noise generation nodes to Unity Shader Graph, including 3D noise nodes.