World Score System?


I’m making my first game and I have a high score system which is very simple, three initials and your score in a ‘Top-10’ which is shown in game and on my high-score screen, now I thought perhaps to make the game a little bit more competitive, well a lot more actually I thought about a high score system which sends & receives high-score data to some server, perhaps my games website whereby I’d hope save peoples high scores etc and then read them back into my game if on-line and show a ‘world’ high score table rather than a local one…

Would I have to make this myself or is there a system for such things I could buy perhaps?
please advise and thanks

There’s a lil problem with using this kind of system:
If you’re just sending the score from the client then the hackers can easily just send a fake score to the server.
People have actually done this in the past and ended up with players with scores thousand times bigger than it is logically possible to gain in game.
Hell there’s even an online tutorial on how to do this score hack on unity games.

Anther problem you might face is will players like this even if it worked? I mean what do I care if some chinese 12 year old kid can press buttons faster than me?
But if you have a friend system in your game you might get ppl to compete with their friends by showing their score in relation to their friends. This assumes that you manage to implement a system that could detect if someone sends a hacked score.

[quote=“San_Holo, post:1, topic: 596973, username:San_Holo”]
Would I have to make this myself or is there a system for such things I could buy perhaps?
And yes, you will have to make this yourself, you can’t buy it, you can hire a freelancer though.

Really? Are you sure of this?

A general high-score server seems like such an obvious idea, I assumed someone (probably several someones) had already done it. Is there really nothing available off the shelf?

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Check out Dreamlo. It’s free, so no risk!

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I just assumed it would be hard to make a solution that’s perfect for everyone. I’m referring to my previous post when I said there would be a lot of security involved and to make good security you have to know the game for which you are making this.
Making just the global score system without the security would take like 5 minutes but would be useful only for learning purposes, since, as I said, the top scores will just be taken by hackers and everyone would get annoyed and quit the game.

I don’t know… looks like Dreamlo supports SSL encryption, which I would think would be plenty good enough.

I don’t see how ssl is relevant when the hacker can just open the Assembly-CSharp.dll file and change the line “send(score);” into “send(10000000000);”

Get a working system first. Worry about hackers later, if anyone bothers to hack your system.

It sounds like this is more a question for the Scripting forum instead of Game Design.