In the past 3-4 weeks we’ve done a lot of work on building the final version of the game’s world, so I wanted to start a new thread and update you all on how the work is going, what is going great, and on what challenges we’re facing.
First: the island is BIG. Despite all the efforts to keep it as contained as possible, it feels pretty big and it’s super cool to go through all the scenery - and the changes in the time of the day.
Here’s an aerial shot, taken from a scene called IslandMaster, which I use to bake skyboxes.
The whole island is divided into 9 scenes, which pertain to 5 “biomes” (beach, field, town, mountain and forest). We refer to these as the Locations. The “biomes” are reflected in the scene name, and the only thing they dictate for now is the change in music. So for instance, when moving between Beach and Field_Hill the music will change, but between Field_Hill and Field_Farms it won’t.
Note that Field_Hill is what we used to call Glade
Entry / Exit points
Every scene has 1 or more entry point, and 1 or more exit. Exit points write into an SO called PathTaken (in ScriptableObjects/Gameplay) that stores the last scene you came out of, and which exit you took. Whenever a scene is loaded, the player is spawned in an entry point depending whether the path in PathTaken matches any entry point. Otherwise, they get spawn in a default location (which is the one under the prefab SpawnSystem, called DefaultSpawnLocation)
You can relocate this point when testing thanks to a beautiful little custom inspector made by a contributor (Place at Mouse Cursor), since this is also the one used when you just press Play in a random scene.
This default entry point is only ever used in-game in the very first scene, the Beach, where the player initially spawns next to the boat.
In some scenes, exit points are used as a “fall-catcher”. For instance, in the Field_Hill, if you jump down the hill from any side, the Beach scene is loaded and the player will spawn at the entry point that connects them.
Similarly, the scene Town_Upper has a few catcher colliders that will take you to Town_Inner, Town_Market, Mountain or Forest_Entrance, depending on where you fall. We can use this system to prevent the player from going too far into the water, which is possible for now.