Hi, has anyone had experience with dual GPU on Unity? Would having a SLI setup further accelerate the GPU baking process?
Thank you!
Hi, has anyone had experience with dual GPU on Unity? Would having a SLI setup further accelerate the GPU baking process?
Thank you!
No, i have titans x runing on sli , and really does not work at all , i get 2.1 % of load when baking with gpu (preview) and its pretty similar time to the CPU baking i have not see and improvement here
thank you! I’m also running 2018.3 gpu preview on notebook 1060 max-q, worked much better than my mobile CPU, and wonderful for my desktop upgrade should i go with a multi GPU setup. guess i’d just go with one gpu then! thnak you
Hi! SLI will not give you any improvement but assigning a dedicated GPU to the lightmapper will. By default, the editor rendering and the GPU lightmap baking is running time sliced on the same GPU but if you have multiple high performance GPUs in your machine, run the editor on one GPU and use another dedicated GPU for baking, using a command line parameter to specify a specific GPU for baking. See the 'How to select a specific GPU for baking’ section in the first post in this thread: https://forum.unity.com/threads/gpu-lightmapper-preview.561103
This has the additional benefit of reducing memory pressure on the GPU used for baking, as it is a very memory hungry process. We are working on optimizing memory usage.
True multi-GPU is on the roadmap but will not happen until after the lightmapper leaves preview.
Thank you so much! This is very helpful!