When setting this as (C#) public or private GameObject 1001; the 1001, is in yellow and I cannot call the game object.
Why do I want to name them like this? for simple if statements that if the next objects in a 2D array do not meet a requirement then id need to use a different prefab EX:0100. So far I can only call them by naming them C1001.
What I am trying to accomplish is setting 4 char variables to take 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th characters to know which tile to place next to this current tile (random level generation).
So where there is a 1 means that there is a road/opening a 0 means no opening.
Currently I have to drag and drop my prefabs to the correct variable for my script to work, which I think is an incorrect way of working.
So I would like my prefabs as children of an empty gameObject(parent) where my script is attached, however dragging and dropping the prefabs to the GameObject, places the would be child in the environment, which I do not want to happen until the code chooses what I want placed. I would like to have them as children so I can code and search easily to set up the next tile.
Any help appreciated or any snippets of code as examples.
Anyway im off to smack open my head against the corner of my bedroom wall and see what kind of crazy brain matter pattern I can create !
Thanks in advance