On the 2020 roadmap video, prefab handles were quickly showcased as a way to make your own handles and since we haven’t heard a word about it since the roadmap video I come here with the hopes that someone can answer a few questions about it
Will be able to use them at runtime? It seems like it from the short video.
If we can use them at runtime, will we still be able to use the default Unity handles at runtime? Personally, with the new handle gizmo thickness change in 2020.2, the built-in handles are pretty much perfect in both aesthetics and usability. Would love to be able to just use them without having to build one out of cubes and cones, etc.
Will all the handles be “prefabable”? The short video only showed what looked like the move tool, so will we be able to make handles for rotation, scale, rect, and the all in one tool too?
Is there any ETA for prefab handles? Any specific Unity version, a month? I really hope we get to see them really soon!
Hi RealMTG,
When testing prefab handles on Unity’s internal features, we saw that we needed to make a few important changes before a public release. This had some unfortunate domino effect on our schedule and we had to prioritize other work in the meantime. Prefab handle is most likely pushed back to next year but still on our short todo list.