Would someone tell me why this doesn't work?

I'm trying to wrap my head around Arrays, and I'm taking it one bite at a time, what I don't understand is why Transform.LookAt doesn't work with this, it seams like I'm grabbing one enemy in the array and telling the object to look at it, but that must not be correct.

 function Update () {
var Enemies : GameObject[];
Enemies = gameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("enemy");

var close = (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Enemies[1].transform.position)> 1);



So why doesn't this work?

Enemies[0] would be the first, if only, such object found.

This line:

var close = (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Enemies[1].transform.position)> 1);

results in a boolean (if the distance is > 1) So transform.LookAt(close) will fail, because it can't look at a boolean. Perhaps you want

if (close)


(Maybe) Another problem

in the docs: function LookAt (target : Transform, worldUp : Vector3 = Vector3.up) : void

It needs to get a transform and your array is for GameObjects.

I can’t try this now, but, try this too:


Can you post the console error too?