would this work if you wanted to protect your game from being stolen or picked apart and reused ?
any other ideas on how to protect your game/project ?
You propose using stuff like DeleteAsset and EditorApplication.Exit() which are NOT available to published copies of the game. They are only available in Editor mode… you don’t want to distribute your game as an editor project.
There is something you are doing that is fundamentally wrong. Look under File → Build to build your game into a binary.
right you are … im just trying to find for myself and others a way to protect our games from being reused or stolen in this thread … got any ideas on how to do this ? ive already tried obfuscators and none of them work so that is why im looking for code now
excuse me, but your comment sounds like you’re saying i make sh*t … if that is not the case , then please dissregard and forget that last statement …and i have heard there are ways to make code that make it harder to steal others code …ie.scramble ,encrypt …i guess noone wants add their secret code to this thread yet. It would have helped more if you would have gave some code or where to look for that kind of code in the scripting reference or somewheres
He’s not saying you make … Bad anything. Hes saying if someone wants to reuse your stuff bad enough… They will. Anything created can be disassembled. Also… If you go around claiming your stuff is impossible to crack or steal, you’ll attract some people who will prove you wrong in minutes…
Key is making some protection that makes it so someone can’t just copy/paste code and assess, but don’t dwell on making it perfect. A small amount of protection helps a bit… Most people are lazy and won’t look too much into it.
Don’t bother, there’s nothing about this in the scripting reference and you can’t do anything to prevent people hacking your game if they want. It’s trivial to take assets from $100 million AAA games–if they can’t prevent it, you certainly can’t. You’re worrying about the wrong things; as I said, concentrate on making a good game.