both … both is good, C# would be my 1st pick though.
I have been a professional software engineer for around 20 years, just setting the stage of where I am speaking from.
So in my career, I have worked with C, C++ and C# which has been the core of what I have worked with over that period. That work has been in “life critical” software in the medical industry, data integrations, resource planning and relationship management software in the enterprise software side of life and then in game dev tools, integrations, systems and even a bit of shader work done in shader assembly.
as far as scripting languages like Python, JS, Ruby, etc. I have never bothered to dedicate study time to them no need to they are by design friendly and easy to pick up as needed. As far as there use in the work I have done over the past 20 years … they are filler … the core of the work has been in C/C++ or C# scripting is always there but its always just filler things here and there not the core or crux of the work.
That of course is based on the type of work I have done, which has mostly been systems and applications stuff and tools and integrations stuff. Very little web basically none at all, very little mobile and of the apps I have done they have been enterprise apps.
Depending on what kind of work you want to do your millage will very. I can say there is ALWAYS a demand for C# devs in the enterprise software dev area MS gold partners and similar grind them up at a terrifying rate
… course that might be a good reason to avoid that
unless you LOVE this kind of work it will destroy your soul.
As for game dev in my experience, its all been C/C++ with a bit of C# here and there but mostly C/C++
The nature of the C++ you work within the game though is VERY MUCH like the nature of C# you work with in Unity. Its not the C/C++ your CS instructor gave you PTSD about. C++ in game for example Unreal is running on a framework its largely managed just like C#, existing systems, modules, etc. make it in many ways easier to work with… yes I said it … for a LOT of things its easier to and less code to type to create things for Unreal C++ than it is Unity C# stop being terrified of C++
My final bit of advice … stop thinking in terms of language … a language is a tool, you should learn many of them, a job calling for X language should be a meh thing you should have no issues picking up a new language and working professionally in it very quickly on demand. This has been my personal professional experience for 2 decades. I have ran into untold number of scripting languages and all over the ages and even when it is a general language I have used before the framework or whatever it is we are working on is new to me … so rarely are you going in to any project a seasoned dev on that specific environment unless you have been living with that single environment for years … which yes I have done that as well … living in X tech for 5+ years at a time its comfy but also gets boring.