WoW-esque MMO

This paste is a content outline

It is for an MMO similar to WoW. It will be much less complicated than WoW though. Although it will be based on WSADQE movement/targeting… There will be no classes, instances, quests, reputation, or special forms of currency. There will be only four spells on the action bar. The main objective will be for players to level to 100 and gather wealth. Leveling affects your damage/damage reduction/healing/hit points/mana… as does equipment. Players gather items from monsters and gathering nodes throughout the world. Players will also purchase and sell gear using vendors. There will also be an auctionhouse, mailbox, and bank. Players can kill each other and steal stuff from each others dead bodies. Guards will kill any players who attack other players. Crafting and gathering will function the same way as it does in WoW.

So - this is your idea for a game?
Or this is what you are working on?
Visuals - however basic can help with getting feedback.

at this point its just an idea

I’ve also got a business plan too… Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life

Yep. Another developer makes an initial post about their game and they do it all wrong.


How is it all wrong

Gosh, haven’t seen one of these in a while! Reminds me of the good times though haha

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WIP is more of a show and less of a tell. Ideas are great. Everyone has lots of them. But you need to show your work via screenshots and videos and demos or we can’t give you real feedback.

When a person posts about their “idea” I get the feeling they are more interested in making a forum post about it rather than making the product. Go make your idea, you need no ones permission or approval. Just go do it instead of talking about doing it.

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Statement not associated to OP -
Sometimes humans are afraid of failure - or afraid of the reality of the difficulty associated with actually “doing”. This can even be subconscious.

I only have one - but it’s the best idea ever! :slight_smile:

I already see another kicktarter “game idea” project with only one backer pledging few bucks.

@omnisdingin People already told you in your other thread that you should start with something simple.You’re not going to make anything close to WoW without months of hard work with at least few other people helping. So why don’t you save yourself some time and learn to make small games first.

Plus this is a Works in progress sub-forum and nobody counts per-production as real work. (even thought it is very important)

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