WoW Talent System

Hey there Unity users! I want to include in my game a talent system similar to WoW,where you spend points on... I've been searching the forums,and other sites but i can't find an answer or at least an example script... Can someone point me to the right direction,or at least give me an example code?

Thanks in advance

Simple psuedo code:

get player points = spendingPoints

get progress in tree = treeprogress

draw all the textures on the screen, making a kind of branching system, make it show the cursor,

if player clicks on a texture, check to make sure they have the required progress (whether have 2 kinda progresses if u have splits, and have it be numbers, so if player has progress of 4, they can get 5... you'll have to think this up)

if player clicks on texture, have required progress, and have enough spendingPoints, then enable a light above that texture, it'll give a light up (activate) effect, and enable it on the person...

That should help get you started...

Search google/API for GUI Textures, Instantiate, and maybe Broadcast Message.

Good luck!