Is there a way of dealing with the WP8 back button with-in the Unity App?
For example, captured back button sends the app to the app start screen.
Like on Android devices, the back button is bound to the Escape key. So you can query the Escape key in an update and act accordingly
void Update()
if( Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) ) HandleBackbutton();
Thank you spacefrog, tested and confirmed.
How to access the [[Home, Search and Phone Lock Button]] of wp8 in Unity via C#.
I want to call my GamePause() fuction, if user press the Home/Search Button.
I can access the Back Button via Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) But I dont know how to access Search, PhoneLock and Home Button.
How to access the [[Home, Search and Phone Lock Button]] of wp8 in Unity via C#.
I want to call my GamePause() fuction, if user press the Home/Search Button.
I can access the Back Button via Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) But I dont know how to access Search, PhoneLock and Home Button.
You can’t detect what exactly user clicked, but unity will fire a pause event when user locks the phone/receives a phone call/goes to main menu/goes to search:
You can’t change the behaviour of the home button or search button in WP.They will launch home screen and Bing respectively.