Wrapped text is crushed after visibility toggle (display: flex -> none -> flex)

I am using Unity 2020.1.0b4 with UI Builder 0.10.2 and UIElements Runtime 0.0.4.

That’s the initial state in the game window:

After i click the middle button on the bottom, and then the right one to go back, it looks like this:

When i select the label…

…and in the debugger change the value for “white-space” from “Normal” to “No Wrap” and back to “Normal”…

…it looks good again.


Here is the code i use to manage the ui:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.UIElements.Runtime;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

namespace Jupiter.UI
  public class Play : MonoBehaviour
    public VisualTreeAsset _presetsTemplate;
    public VisualTreeAsset _presetTemplate;
    public VisualTreeAsset _avatarsTemplate;
    public VisualTreeAsset _avatarTemplate;
    public VisualTreeAsset _dialogTemplate;
    public VisualTreeAsset _optionTemplate;

    PanelRenderer _panelRenderer;
    List<UnityEngine.Object> _liveAssets;
    ScrollView _presetsView;
    ListView _avatarsView;
    ScrollView _dialogView;
    VisualElement _visibleContainer;

    void Awake()
      _panelRenderer = GetComponent<PanelRenderer>();
      _liveAssets = new List<UnityEngine.Object>();

    void OnEnable()
      _panelRenderer.postUxmlReload = BindScreen;

    void OnDisable()
      _panelRenderer.postUxmlReload = null;

    public void SetPresets(List<Messages.Preset> presets)

      foreach (Messages.Preset preset in presets)

    public void SetDialog(Messages.Dialog dialog)
      var title = _dialogView.Q<Label>("title");
      var text = _dialogView.Q<Label>("text");
      var options = _dialogView.Q<VisualElement>("options");

      //title.text = dialog.title;
      //text.text = dialog.text;

      foreach (Messages.DialogOption dialogOption in dialog.options)
        var option = _optionTemplate.Instantiate();
        var subtitle = option.Q<Label>("title");
        var subtext = option.Q<Label>("text");

        //subtitle.text = dialogOption.title;
        //subtext.text = dialogOption.text;


    public void SetAvatars(List<Messages.Avatar> avatars)
      _avatarsView.itemsSource = avatars;

    IEnumerable<UnityEngine.Object> BindScreen()
      var root = _panelRenderer.visualTree;

      var container = root.Q<VisualElement>("container");
      var tabPresets = root.Q<Button>("tab-presets");
      var tabAvatars = root.Q<Button>("tab-avatars");
      var tabDialog = root.Q<Button>("tab-dialog");

      var presetsContainer = _presetsTemplate.Instantiate();
      var avatarsContainer = _avatarsTemplate.Instantiate();
      var dialogContainer = _dialogTemplate.Instantiate();

      _presetsView = presetsContainer.Q<ScrollView>("presets");
      _avatarsView = avatarsContainer.Q<ListView>("avatars");
      _dialogView = dialogContainer.Q<ScrollView>("dialog");

      _visibleContainer = dialogContainer;


      tabPresets.clicked += () => { ShowContainer(presetsContainer); };
      tabAvatars.clicked += () => { ShowContainer(avatarsContainer); };
      tabDialog.clicked += () => { ShowContainer(dialogContainer); };

      return _liveAssets;

    void ShowContainer(VisualElement element)
      _visibleContainer = element;

    void MakeAvatar()

    void BindAvatar()
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

namespace Jupiter
  public static class UIElementsExtensions
    public static void Hide(this VisualElement element)
      element.style.display = DisplayStyle.None;

    public static void Show(this VisualElement element)
      element.style.display = DisplayStyle.Flex;

Side question: Is the crappy text quality normal for now or can i do sth?

Hello, this looks like a bug that needs to be reported. Attaching your project or a minimal reproduction project would help greatly.

As for the text quality, this is on our radar and will be fixed in the official preview.

There you go.


Sorry for the very long delay getting back to you on this.
Last month we have a released a new UI Toolkit package which replaces the old UIElements Runtime package:

The layout issue should be fixed now.
As for the text quality, it is still something we are working on along with a bunch of new text features that are closer to TextMesh Pro.


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