Wrapping up a slender game - noise for static?

I’m pretty much about done with a game similar to slender I’m working on. I am using alacard’s old scripts that barely work anymore and I’ve fixed a lot of them. I now lose/regen health and have static, the enemy follows me, etc.

The only thing that doesn’t work is the papers. I’ve checked 20, give or take, forums and all of alacard’s replies are different. Each script has been tested and doesn’t seem to work (pressing E and clicking, even changed the settings so I could click farther away)

Anyway I have another forum for that, so if anyone wants to help please go to Spherecast - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

What I’d like to get help on is the last thing I need to add to the game - static that gets louder as your health goes down.

I already have static, it gets more visible as your health goes down with this line “staticRenderer.material.color.a = newAlpha;”

But I’d like it so you can hear music (3D music) from the enemy as your health goes down, it becoming very loud at death. Any ideas?
