I’ll make it short: I develop a professional grade Netcode for GameObjects with Unity Services project.
It’s called Write Better Netcode - a plea, a series of tutorials and the project itself. Who needs this? I don’t care, but you will!
The project is on GitHub for free under the GPL3. Free for private study. Not for commercial use.
I have a Patreon where I devlog. It’s free, with paid tiers (soon) providing a license for commercial use.
I also tweet about results and findings as I move along.
Here’s an example: I finally cracked the flow of Netcode start/shutdown once and for all!
I know you’re like the hell. Trust me, I’m an artichect!
(full size version here)
It only took me two weeks.
I take my fair time to work on this because without a solid foundation, everything crumbles. I just had to write a Statemachine (FSM) system. And then I wanted to have an exporter for PlantUML so I can have these nice diagrams. But now I have plenty of building blocks to write custom logic with ease, and there’ll be more because almost everything is a Statemachine.
Nevertheless it’s absolutely worthwhile doing, because
- It’s beautiful!
- It’s highly reusable (oh that word again)
- It’s so very readable … the whole flow visualized in front of me, not just a semi-sequential sequence of formatted text. Makes me see the loopholes and the opportunities for optimization.
- I take the time to develop this to a level of quality as if one hundred other team members with a publisher breathing down their neck depended on it. Oh and yes, they moved the release date 4 months earlier. Of course we didn’t slash any features.
- I’m a perfectionist systems engineer and take pride in clean API design. I love it when my code comes together.