Write into S3 bucket?


I am kinda new to Unity ML-Agents and Tensorflow…
I wonder how can I write all the checkpoints, models, etc, into S3 bucket rather than the ‘results’ folder?

I read the markdown from https://github.com/tensorflow/examples/blob/master/community/en/docs/deploy/s3.md but I wonder where should I put the code? Which python script should i edit? :eyes::eyes:

I have alternative options for you, if you don’t get anywhere with directly changing the python.

  1. Setup cron job that copies the data from the local folder to S3 as often as you like.

  2. Use Fuse. GitHub - s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse: FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3 Make the ‘results’ folder, a symlink into s3 mounted local folder.