
Anyway to override the max amount of this connection data? I am sending a lot of data in with the player such as inventory, equipment and class features but this seems to have a limit of 1024 bytes. I couldn’t find a way to send this data fragmented, anyone have any ideas?

Can you share some of the code, like where the writer is coming from and the ConnectionData stucture. I’m using WriteValueSafe a lot but only for more primitive values, more complex types have their own serialisation methods with their own WriteValueSafe calls.

Well the issue comes from :
public void Serialize(FastBufferWriter writer)
if (ShouldSendConnectionData)
but this is the standard connection serializer in the netcode for gameobjects package. Sounds like I am gonna have to overwrite this, hopefully that 1024 byte size is a variable I can change.

Check writer.maxCapacity, I’m getting 64k and can write that much data minus a little overhead.

How are you sending the data in with the player?

public const int NON_FRAGMENTED_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE = 1300;

looks like this could be my issue, I will run some tests editing this then come back and post my findings.

Looks like that wasn’t the issue, not sure where else this could be set at.