When creating TerrainData and grass at runtime in the editor (Built-in Render Pipeline, Unity 2022.1.15f1), Hidden/TerrainEngine/Details/WavingDoublePass shader is used and the grass is displayed correctly.
In the build on PC and Android (I haven’t tested other platforms, but most likely it will be the same), Legacy Shaders/Diffuse shader is used, and the grass is displayed incorrectly.
If TerrainData is not dynamic, the grass is displayed correctly.
But for the technology I’m working on, TerrainData should be dynamic and shouldn’t be included in the build.
I tried adding WavingDoublePass shader to Always Included Shaders but it didn’t help.
Although it is present and I can get it using Shader.Find.
For more context, I’ve attached an example of the behavior.
Is this some kind of bug in Unity, or am I doing something wrong?
Is there a way to force Terrain Engine to use the correct grass shader?