Wrong light probes baking when using Precomputed Realtime GI + Progressive Lightmapper


We are currently upgrading our project from

  • 2020.1.17f1 to 2021.3.45f1
  • the Built-In Renderer to HDRP (12.1.15)

We previously used Mixed Lighting (Precomputed Realtime GI + Baking) with Enlighten only. In newer versions, the “Enlighten” option for the lightmapper is greyed out so that we started to use the Progressive lightmapper. So far so good but we finally noticed the light probes are not baked/computed properly: some are black in very lit areas and some are white in dark areas.

It seems our problem has been already faced by few persons years ago: Some Light Probes dark
Our observations are the same:

  • Baking is fine with 1 light probes group
  • Baking is no more correct with 2 light probes group or more, and the result varies depending on which groups are enabled/active
  • Baking is fine when disabling the Baked Global Illumination (only Realtime Lighting is active)

The same observations can be made with 2020.1.17f1 + Built-In, if I switch from the Enlighten lightmapper (still not greyed out in that version but marked as “Deprecated”) to the progressive one (CPU or GPU, does not matter).

It looks like the following statement is correct (Some Light Probes dark):
“there is a bug with realtime probes overwriting baked ones if you mix realtime GI with the progressive Lightmapper.”

What could be done to fix this issue? Is there a way to disable the probe baking by the Progressive lightmapper? (we couldn’t find any) Should we create an issue/bug report?

Thank you.



2021 LTS is out of support for everyone but enterprise customers. If you are able to reproduce the issue on Unity 2022 LTS or newer, I suggest filing a bug report so we can take a look.

I’m afraid I don’t have any other advice for you. It does indeed look like a bug.

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I was able to reproduce it on 2022.3 LTS so I submitted a report: IN-93909.