Wrong Mesh Collider Size for Procedurally Generated Mesh

I am trying to create a simple mesh through code and trying to give a simple mesh collider the same size as the mesh. I tried many different things, however mesh collider always appears to be bigger than the mesh itself. I am really confused, can anyone solve the problem or point me in the right direction? Any help is appreciated.

Here is the screenshot of what’s happening:

Also, here is the code:

public class PolygonGenerator : MonoBehaviour
    private Mesh mesh;
    public List<Vector3> newVertices = new List<Vector3>();
    public List<int> newTriangles = new List<int>();
    private MeshCollider meshCol;
    public List<Vector3> colVertices = new List<Vector3> ();
    public List<int> colTriangles = new List<int> ();

    float x;
    float y;
    float z;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start ()
        mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().mesh;
        meshCol = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(MeshCollider)) as MeshCollider;
        meshCol.convex = true;

        x = this.gameObject.transform.position.x;
        y = this.gameObject.transform.position.y;
        z = this.gameObject.transform.position.z;

        GenSquare (x, y);
        GenCollider (x, y);

        UpdateMesh ();

    void UpdateMesh()
        mesh.Clear ();
        mesh.vertices = newVertices.ToArray();
        mesh.triangles = newTriangles.ToArray();
        mesh.Optimize ();
        mesh.RecalculateNormals ();

        Mesh newMesh = new Mesh ();
        newMesh.vertices = colVertices.ToArray ();
        newMesh.triangles = colTriangles.ToArray ();
        meshCol.sharedMesh = newMesh;

    void GenSquare(float x, float y)
        newVertices.Add( new Vector3 (x  , y  , z ));
        newVertices.Add( new Vector3 (x + 1 , y  , z ));
        newVertices.Add( new Vector3 (x + 1 , y-1 , z ));
        newVertices.Add( new Vector3 (x  , y-1 , z ));


    void GenCollider( float x, float y)
        colVertices.Add( new Vector3 (x  , y  , z));
        colVertices.Add( new Vector3 (x + 1 , y  , z));
        colVertices.Add( new Vector3 (x + 1 , y-1  , z ));
        colVertices.Add( new Vector3 (x  , y-1  , z ));

        colTriangles.Add (0);
        colTriangles.Add (2);
        colTriangles.Add (3);
        colTriangles.Add (0);
        colTriangles.Add (1);
        colTriangles.Add (2);

    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)


    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
        Debug.Log ("Trigger");



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class MeshGenerator : MonoBehaviour {

	public SquareGrid squareGrid;
	public MeshFilter walls;

	List<Vector3> vertices;
	List<int> triangles;

	Dictionary<int,List<Triangle>> triangleDictionary = new Dictionary<int, List<Triangle>> ();
	List<List<int>> outlines = new List<List<int>> ();
	HashSet<int> checkedVertices = new HashSet<int>();

	public void GenerateMesh(int[,] map, float squareSize) {

		triangleDictionary.Clear ();
		outlines.Clear ();
		checkedVertices.Clear ();

		squareGrid = new SquareGrid(map, squareSize);

		vertices = new List<Vector3>();
		triangles = new List<int>();

		for (int x = 0; x < squareGrid.squares.GetLength(0); x ++) {
			for (int y = 0; y < squareGrid.squares.GetLength(1); y ++) {

		Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
		GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;

		mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray();
		mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();

		CreateWallMesh ();

	void CreateWallMesh() {

		CalculateMeshOutlines ();

		List<Vector3> wallVertices = new List<Vector3> ();
		List<int> wallTriangles = new List<int> ();
		Mesh wallMesh = new Mesh ();
		float wallHeight = 5;

		foreach (List<int> outline in outlines) {
			for (int i = 0; i < outline.Count -1; i ++) {
				int startIndex = wallVertices.Count;
				wallVertices.Add(vertices[outline*]); // left*
  •  		wallVertices.Add(vertices[outline[i+1]]); // right*

wallVertices.Add(vertices[outline_] - Vector3.up * wallHeight); // bottom left_
_ wallVertices.Add(vertices[outline[i+1]] - Vector3.up * wallHeight); // bottom right_

* wallTriangles.Add(startIndex + 0);*
* wallTriangles.Add(startIndex + 2);*
* wallTriangles.Add(startIndex + 3);*

* wallTriangles.Add(startIndex + 3);*
* wallTriangles.Add(startIndex + 1);*
* wallTriangles.Add(startIndex + 0);*
* }*
* }*
* wallMesh.vertices = wallVertices.ToArray ();*
* wallMesh.triangles = wallTriangles.ToArray ();*
* walls.mesh = wallMesh;*
* }*

* void TriangulateSquare(Square square) {*
* switch (square.configuration) {*
* case 0:*
* break;*

* // 1 points:*
* case 1:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.centreLeft, square.centreBottom, square.bottomLeft);*
* break;*
* case 2:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.bottomRight, square.centreBottom, square.centreRight);*
* break;*
* case 4:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topRight, square.centreRight, square.centreTop);*
* break;*
* case 8:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.centreTop, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*

* // 2 points:*
* case 3:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.centreRight, square.bottomRight, square.bottomLeft, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*
* case 6:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.centreTop, square.topRight, square.bottomRight, square.centreBottom);*
* break;*
* case 9:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.centreTop, square.centreBottom, square.bottomLeft);*
* break;*
* case 12:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.topRight, square.centreRight, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*
* case 5:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.centreTop, square.topRight, square.centreRight, square.centreBottom, square.bottomLeft, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*
* case 10:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.centreTop, square.centreRight, square.bottomRight, square.centreBottom, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*

* // 3 point:*
* case 7:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.centreTop, square.topRight, square.bottomRight, square.bottomLeft, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*
* case 11:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.centreTop, square.centreRight, square.bottomRight, square.bottomLeft);*
* break;*
* case 13:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.topRight, square.centreRight, square.centreBottom, square.bottomLeft);*
* break;*
* case 14:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.topRight, square.bottomRight, square.centreBottom, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*

* // 4 point:*
* case 15:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.topRight, square.bottomRight, square.bottomLeft);*
* checkedVertices.Add(square.topLeft.vertexIndex);*
* checkedVertices.Add(square.topRight.vertexIndex);*
* checkedVertices.Add(square.bottomRight.vertexIndex);*
* checkedVertices.Add(square.bottomLeft.vertexIndex);*
* break;*
* }*

* }*

* void MeshFromPoints(params Node[] points) {*
* AssignVertices(points);*

* if (points.Length >= 3)*
* CreateTriangle(points[0], points[1], points[2]);*
* if (points.Length >= 4)*
* CreateTriangle(points[0], points[2], points[3]);*
* if (points.Length >= 5)*
* CreateTriangle(points[0], points[3], points[4]);*
* if (points.Length >= 6)*
* CreateTriangle(points[0], points[4], points[5]);*

* }*

* void AssignVertices(Node[] points) {*
* for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i ++) {*
_ if (points*.vertexIndex == -1) {
points.vertexIndex = vertices.Count;

* void CreateTriangle(Node a, Node b, Node c) {*
* triangles.Add(a.vertexIndex);*
* triangles.Add(b.vertexIndex);*
* triangles.Add(c.vertexIndex);*

* Triangle triangle = new Triangle (a.vertexIndex, b.vertexIndex, c.vertexIndex);*
* AddTriangleToDictionary (triangle.vertexIndexA, triangle);*
* AddTriangleToDictionary (triangle.vertexIndexB, triangle);*
* AddTriangleToDictionary (triangle.vertexIndexC, triangle);*
* }*

* void AddTriangleToDictionary(int vertexIndexKey, Triangle triangle) {*
* if (triangleDictionary.ContainsKey (vertexIndexKey)) {*
* triangleDictionary [vertexIndexKey].Add (triangle);*
* } else {*
* List triangleList = new List();*
* triangleList.Add(triangle);*
* triangleDictionary.Add(vertexIndexKey, triangleList);*
* }*
* }*

* void CalculateMeshOutlines() {*

* for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < vertices.Count; vertexIndex ++) {*
* if (!checkedVertices.Contains(vertexIndex)) {*
* int newOutlineVertex = GetConnectedOutlineVertex(vertexIndex);*
* if (newOutlineVertex != -1) {*
* checkedVertices.Add(vertexIndex);*

* List newOutline = new List();*
* newOutline.Add(vertexIndex);*
* outlines.Add(newOutline);*
* FollowOutline(newOutlineVertex, outlines.Count-1);*
* outlines[outlines.Count-1].Add(vertexIndex);*
* }*
* }*
* }*
* }*

* void FollowOutline(int vertexIndex, int outlineIndex) {*
* outlines [outlineIndex].Add (vertexIndex);*
* checkedVertices.Add (vertexIndex);*
* int nextVertexIndex = GetConnectedOutlineVertex (vertexIndex);*

* if (nextVertexIndex != -1) {*
* FollowOutline(nextVertexIndex, outlineIndex);*
* }*
* }*

* int GetConnectedOutlineVertex(int vertexIndex) {*
* List trianglesContainingVertex = triangleDictionary [vertexIndex];*

* for (int i = 0; i < trianglesContainingVertex.Count; i ++) {*
_ Triangle triangle = trianglesContainingVertex*;*_

* for (int j = 0; j < 3; j ++) {*
* int vertexB = triangle[j];*
* if (vertexB != vertexIndex && !checkedVertices.Contains(vertexB)) {*
* if (IsOutlineEdge(vertexIndex, vertexB)) {*
* return vertexB;*
* }*
* }*
* }*
* }*

* return -1;*
* }*

* bool IsOutlineEdge(int vertexA, int vertexB) {*
* List trianglesContainingVertexA = triangleDictionary [vertexA];*
* int sharedTriangleCount = 0;*

* for (int i = 0; i < trianglesContainingVertexA.Count; i ++) {*
_ if (trianglesContainingVertexA*.Contains(vertexB)) {
sharedTriangleCount ++;
if (sharedTriangleCount > 1) {
return sharedTriangleCount == 1;

* struct Triangle {*
* public int vertexIndexA;*
* public int vertexIndexB;*
* public int vertexIndexC;*
* int[] vertices;*

* public Triangle (int a, int b, int c) {*
* vertexIndexA = a;*
* vertexIndexB = b;*
* vertexIndexC = c;*

* vertices = new int[3];*
* vertices[0] = a;*
* vertices[1] = b;*
* vertices[2] = c;*
* }*

* public int this[int i] {*
* get {*
_ return vertices*;

* public bool Contains(int vertexIndex) {*
* return vertexIndex == vertexIndexA || vertexIndex == vertexIndexB || vertexIndex == vertexIndexC;*
* }*
* }*

* public class SquareGrid {*
* public Square[,] squares;*

* public SquareGrid(int[,] map, float squareSize) {*
* int nodeCountX = map.GetLength(0);*
* int nodeCountY = map.GetLength(1);*
_ float mapWidth = nodeCountX * squareSize;
float mapHeight = nodeCountY * squareSize;_

* ControlNode[,] controlNodes = new ControlNode[nodeCountX,nodeCountY];*

* for (int x = 0; x < nodeCountX; x ++) {*
* for (int y = 0; y < nodeCountY; y ++) {*
_ Vector3 pos = new Vector3(-mapWidth/2 + x * squareSize + squareSize/2, 0, -mapHeight/2 + y * squareSize + squareSize/2);
* controlNodes[x,y] = new ControlNode(pos,map[x,y] == 1, squareSize);

* squares = new Square[nodeCountX -1,nodeCountY -1];*
* for (int x = 0; x < nodeCountX-1; x ++) {*
* for (int y = 0; y < nodeCountY-1; y ++) {*
* squares[x,y] = new Square(controlNodes[x,y+1], controlNodes[x+1,y+1], controlNodes[x+1,y], controlNodes[x,y]);*
* }*
* }*

* }*
* }*

* public class Square {*

* public ControlNode topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft;*
* public Node centreTop, centreRight, centreBottom, centreLeft;*
* public int configuration;*

* public Square (ControlNode _topLeft, ControlNode _topRight, ControlNode _bottomRight, ControlNode _bottomLeft) {
topLeft = _topLeft;
topRight = _topRight;
bottomRight = _bottomRight;
bottomLeft = _bottomLeft;*

* centreTop = topLeft.right;*
* centreRight = bottomRight.above;*
* centreBottom = bottomLeft.right;*
* centreLeft = bottomLeft.above;*

* if (topLeft.active)*
* configuration += 8;*
* if (topRight.active)*
* configuration += 4;*
* if (bottomRight.active)*
* configuration += 2;*
* if (bottomLeft.active)*
* configuration += 1;*
* }*

* }*

* public class Node {*
* public Vector3 position;*
* public int vertexIndex = -1;*

* public Node(Vector3 pos) {
position = pos;*
* }*

* }*

* public class ControlNode : Node {*

* public bool active;*
* public Node above, right;*

* public ControlNode(Vector3 pos, bool active, float squareSize) : base(pos) {
active = active;*
above = new Node(position + Vector3.forward * squareSize/2f);

right = new Node(position + Vector3.right * squareSize/2f);

* }*

* }*
, using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class MeshGenerator : MonoBehaviour {

* public SquareGrid squareGrid;*
* public MeshFilter walls;*

* List vertices;*
* List triangles;*

* Dictionary<int,List> triangleDictionary = new Dictionary<int, List> ();*
* List<List> outlines = new List<List> ();*
* HashSet checkedVertices = new HashSet();*

* public void GenerateMesh(int[,] map, float squareSize) {*

* triangleDictionary.Clear ();*
* outlines.Clear ();*
* checkedVertices.Clear ();*

* squareGrid = new SquareGrid(map, squareSize);*

* vertices = new List();*
* triangles = new List();*

* for (int x = 0; x < squareGrid.squares.GetLength(0); x ++) {*
* for (int y = 0; y < squareGrid.squares.GetLength(1); y ++) {*
* TriangulateSquare(squareGrid.squares[x,y]);*
* }*
* }*

* Mesh mesh = new Mesh();*
* GetComponent().mesh = mesh;*

* mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray();*
* mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();*
* mesh.RecalculateNormals();*

* CreateWallMesh ();*

* }*
* void CreateWallMesh() {*

* CalculateMeshOutlines ();*

* List wallVertices = new List ();*
* List wallTriangles = new List ();*
* Mesh wallMesh = new Mesh ();*
* float wallHeight = 5;*

* foreach (List outline in outlines) {*
* for (int i = 0; i < outline.Count -1; i ++) {*
* int startIndex = wallVertices.Count;*
_ wallVertices.Add(vertices[outline*]); // left*
* wallVertices.Add(vertices[outline[i+1]]); // right*
wallVertices.Add(vertices[outline] - Vector3.up * wallHeight); // bottom left_

_ wallVertices.Add(vertices[outline[i+1]] - Vector3.up * wallHeight); // bottom right_

* wallTriangles.Add(startIndex + 0);*
* wallTriangles.Add(startIndex + 2);*
* wallTriangles.Add(startIndex + 3);*

* wallTriangles.Add(startIndex + 3);*
* wallTriangles.Add(startIndex + 1);*
* wallTriangles.Add(startIndex + 0);*
* }*
* }*
* wallMesh.vertices = wallVertices.ToArray ();*
* wallMesh.triangles = wallTriangles.ToArray ();*
* walls.mesh = wallMesh;*
* }*

* void TriangulateSquare(Square square) {*
* switch (square.configuration) {*
* case 0:*
* break;*

* // 1 points:*
* case 1:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.centreLeft, square.centreBottom, square.bottomLeft);*
* break;*
* case 2:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.bottomRight, square.centreBottom, square.centreRight);*
* break;*
* case 4:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topRight, square.centreRight, square.centreTop);*
* break;*
* case 8:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.centreTop, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*

* // 2 points:*
* case 3:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.centreRight, square.bottomRight, square.bottomLeft, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*
* case 6:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.centreTop, square.topRight, square.bottomRight, square.centreBottom);*
* break;*
* case 9:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.centreTop, square.centreBottom, square.bottomLeft);*
* break;*
* case 12:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.topRight, square.centreRight, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*
* case 5:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.centreTop, square.topRight, square.centreRight, square.centreBottom, square.bottomLeft, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*
* case 10:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.centreTop, square.centreRight, square.bottomRight, square.centreBottom, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*

* // 3 point:*
* case 7:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.centreTop, square.topRight, square.bottomRight, square.bottomLeft, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*
* case 11:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.centreTop, square.centreRight, square.bottomRight, square.bottomLeft);*
* break;*
* case 13:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.topRight, square.centreRight, square.centreBottom, square.bottomLeft);*
* break;*
* case 14:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.topRight, square.bottomRight, square.centreBottom, square.centreLeft);*
* break;*

* // 4 point:*
* case 15:*
* MeshFromPoints(square.topLeft, square.topRight, square.bottomRight, square.bottomLeft);*
* checkedVertices.Add(square.topLeft.vertexIndex);*
* checkedVertices.Add(square.topRight.vertexIndex);*
* checkedVertices.Add(square.bottomRight.vertexIndex);*
* checkedVertices.Add(square.bottomLeft.vertexIndex);*
* break;*
* }*

* }*

* void MeshFromPoints(params Node[] points) {*
* AssignVertices(points);*

* if (points.Length >= 3)*
* CreateTriangle(points[0], points[1], points[2]);*
* if (points.Length >= 4)*
* CreateTriangle(points[0], points[2], points[3]);*
* if (points.Length >= 5)*
* CreateTriangle(points[0], points[3], points[4]);*
* if (points.Length >= 6)*
* CreateTriangle(points[0], points[4], points[5]);*

* }*

* void AssignVertices(Node[] points) {*
* for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i ++) {*
_ if (points*.vertexIndex == -1) {
points.vertexIndex = vertices.Count;

* void CreateTriangle(Node a, Node b, Node c) {*
* triangles.Add(a.vertexIndex);*
* triangles.Add(b.vertexIndex);*
* triangles.Add(c.vertexIndex);*

* Triangle triangle = new Triangle (a.vertexIndex, b.vertexIndex, c.vertexIndex);*
* AddTriangleToDictionary (triangle.vertexIndexA, triangle);*
* AddTriangleToDictionary (triangle.vertexIndexB, triangle);*
* AddTriangleToDictionary (triangle.vertexIndexC, triangle);*
* }*

* void AddTriangleToDictionary(int vertexIndexKey, Triangle triangle) {*
* if (triangleDictionary.ContainsKey (vertexIndexKey)) {*
* triangleDictionary [vertexIndexKey].Add (triangle);*
* } else {*
* List triangleList = new List();*
* triangleList.Add(triangle);*
* triangleDictionary.Add(vertexIndexKey, triangleList);*
* }*
* }*

* void CalculateMeshOutlines() {*

* for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < vertices.Count; vertexIndex ++) {*
* if (!checkedVertices.Contains(vertexIndex)) {*
* int newOutlineVertex = GetConnectedOutlineVertex(vertexIndex);*
* if (newOutlineVertex != -1) {*
* checkedVertices.Add(vertexIndex);*

* List newOutline = new List();*
* newOutline.Add(vertexIndex);*
* outlines.Add(newOutline);*
* FollowOutline(newOutlineVertex, outlines.Count-1);*
* outlines[outlines.Count-1].Add(vertexIndex);*
* }*
* }*
* }*
* }*

* void FollowOutline(int vertexIndex, int outlineIndex) {*
* outlines [outlineIndex].Add (vertexIndex);*
* checkedVertices.Add (vertexIndex);*
* int nextVertexIndex = GetConnectedOutlineVertex (vertexIndex);*

* if (nextVertexIndex != -1) {*
* FollowOutline(nextVertexIndex, outlineIndex);*
* }*
* }*

* int GetConnectedOutlineVertex(int vertexIndex) {*
* List trianglesContainingVertex = triangleDictionary [vertexIndex];*

* for (int i = 0; i < trianglesContainingVertex.Count; i ++) {*
_ Triangle triangle = trianglesContainingVertex*;*_

* for (int j = 0; j < 3; j ++) {*
* int vertexB = triangle[j];*
* if (vertexB != vertexIndex && !checkedVertices.Contains(vertexB)) {*
* if (IsOutlineEdge(vertexIndex, vertexB)) {*
* return vertexB;*
* }*
* }*
* }*
* }*

* return -1;*
* }*

* bool IsOutlineEdge(int vertexA, int vertexB) {*
* List trianglesContainingVertexA = triangleDictionary [vertexA];*
* int sharedTriangleCount = 0;*

* for (int i = 0; i < trianglesContainingVertexA.Count; i ++) {*
_ if (trianglesContainingVertexA*.Contains(vertexB)) {
sharedTriangleCount ++;
if (sharedTriangleCount > 1) {
return sharedTriangleCount == 1;

* struct Triangle {*
* public int vertexIndexA;*
* public int vertexIndexB;*
* public int vertexIndexC;*
* int[] vertices;*

* public Triangle (int a, int b, int c) {*
* vertexIndexA = a;*
* vertexIndexB = b;*
* vertexIndexC = c;*

* vertices = new int[3];*
* vertices[0] = a;*
* vertices[1] = b;*
* vertices[2] = c;*
* }*

* public int this[int i] {*
* get {*
_ return vertices*;

* public bool Contains(int vertexIndex) {*
* return vertexIndex == vertexIndexA || vertexIndex == vertexIndexB || vertexIndex == vertexIndexC;*
* }*
* }*

* public class SquareGrid {*
* public Square[,] squares;*

* public SquareGrid(int[,] map, float squareSize) {*
* int nodeCountX = map.GetLength(0);*
* int nodeCountY = map.GetLength(1);*
_ float mapWidth = nodeCountX * squareSize;
float mapHeight = nodeCountY * squareSize;_

* ControlNode[,] controlNodes = new ControlNode[nodeCountX,nodeCountY];*

* for (int x = 0; x < nodeCountX; x ++) {*
* for (int y = 0; y < nodeCountY; y ++) {*
_ Vector3 pos = new Vector3(-mapWidth/2 + x * squareSize + squareSize/2, 0, -mapHeight/2 + y * squareSize + squareSize/2);
* controlNodes[x,y] = new ControlNode(pos,map[x,y] == 1, squareSize);

* squares = new Square[nodeCountX -1,nodeCountY -1];*
* for (int x = 0; x < nodeCountX-1; x ++) {*
* for (int y = 0; y < nodeCountY-1; y ++) {*
* squares[x,y] = new Square(controlNodes[x,y+1], controlNodes[x+1,y+1], controlNodes[x+1,y], controlNodes[x,y]);*
* }*
* }*

* }*
* }*

* public class Square {*

* public ControlNode topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft;*
* public Node centreTop, centreRight, centreBottom, centreLeft;*
* public int configuration;*

* public Square (ControlNode _topLeft, ControlNode _topRight, ControlNode _bottomRight, ControlNode _bottomLeft) {
topLeft = _topLeft;
topRight = _topRight;
bottomRight = _bottomRight;
bottomLeft = _bottomLeft;*

* centreTop = topLeft.right;*
* centreRight = bottomRight.above;*
* centreBottom = bottomLeft.right;*
* centreLeft = bottomLeft.above;*

* if (topLeft.active)*
* configuration += 8;*
* if (topRight.active)*
* configuration += 4;*
* if (bottomRight.active)*
* configuration += 2;*
* if (bottomLeft.active)*
* configuration += 1;*
* }*

* }*

* public class Node {*
* public Vector3 position;*
* public int vertexIndex = -1;*

* public Node(Vector3 pos) {
position = pos;*
* }*

* }*

* public class ControlNode : Node {*

* public bool active;*
* public Node above, right;*

* public ControlNode(Vector3 pos, bool active, float squareSize) : base(pos) {
active = active;*
above = new Node(position + Vector3.forward * squareSize/2f);

right = new Node(position + Vector3.right * squareSize/2f);

* }*

* }*

I’m new to Unity so may be way off the mark here.

If I remember correctly then a convex mesh may not be 0 depth. I expect what you are seeing is the default depth being applied to your object because of the planes you have chosen X & Y. Maybe try creating your polygon on X & Z then rotate into position.

Also as far as adding a convex mesh to a simple shape I believe this should work

gameObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>().convex = true;