Hello, im working on a Character IK and want make the Head follow the Camera (or what ever position).
Everything works fine but i have problems with the rotation, when the character turns.
(The character need look down because the target is on the ground)
This is when the Y rotation of the character is on 0° (This is how it works correcly)
This is when the Y Rotation of the character is 90° (not correct)
This is when the Y Rotation of the character is 180° (not correct)
Im using Quaternion.FromToRotation and i think the first parameter is wrong…
void UpdateCameraIK(HitSystem_IK ik) {
// get the position of the target to follow
savedIKTargetPosition = IKTarget.position + IKOffset;
// there is the bug in the "transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward)" i need to change this but have no idea how
// the second parameter is just the distance vector of the target and the IK bones from my character
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation( transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), (savedIKTargetPosition - ik.IKBone.transform.position).normalized);
// apply the rotation to the IK Rotation quaternion and this IK Rotation quaternion will get multiply with the transform.rotation
ik.HBone.IKRotation = rotation;
Thank you for your help!