Wrong Resolution Portrait x LandScape

I don’t know why, but on a WSA Build, ARM, with Supported Orientations (Landscape and Landscape-Flipped) my game is starting with a strange resolotuion 720x1280 (Portrait) instead of the 1280x720 (Landscape).

It was working until some time ago, but now it only starts with this resolution! Is there anything I can check to solve this?

Adding this to my code solved the problem :

Screen.autorotateToPortrait = false;
Screen.autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown = false;
Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.AutoRotation;

It’s not working 100% of the time… On some very especific case I cannot tell, it still starts with the wrong resolution.

Another problem, the SPLASH always show first on Portrait Mode. It seems to be ignoring my configuration.

That is because you scripts are executed after the splash. Try forcing orientation using WinRT API in App.xaml.cs file, preferably before AppCallbacks is created.

Read this topic: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/windows-10-universal-splash-screen-orientation-issues.406533/

Gave up in the end as no one knows a answer to it.

Where exactly did you put this code into?

On the awake of my Main class.