Wrote a script for Shooting, reloading and to display the AMMO in a GUIText

This is the script, When ever I start the game It says “Assets/shoot.js(17,22): BCE0018: The name ‘ammotext’ does not denote a valid type(‘not found’)” I have no Idea what to do >.>

var sound : AudioClip; //ie_shot_gun-liminalace-770179786 soundClip
var reloadSound: AudioClip; //reload soundClip
var BulletSpeed = 100; //force of bullets being shot
var projectile : Rigidbody; //bullet prefab goes here
var bullets = 30; //amount of bullets per "clip"
var totalBullets = 60; //total amount of bullets we have available
var reloadTime = 3; //time to reload
var reloadAmount = 10;
var ammo : ammotext; //GUI text for our bullet/ammo count
function Update () {
Fire ();
Reload ();
function Fire () {
if(bullets > 0) { //if we have at least 1 bullet then we can fire
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) {
var clone : Rigidbody;// Instantiate the projectile at the position and rotation of this transform
clone = Instantiate(projectile, transform.position, transform.rotation);
clone.velocity = transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.forward * BulletSpeed);// Give the cloned object an initial velocity along the current
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(sound, transform.position, 1);                     // object's Z axis
bullets -=1; //subtracts one bullet per fire sequence
function Reload () {
if(bullets < 1) {    //if we have less than 1 bullet then we can reload
if(Input.GetKeyDown("r")) {
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(reloadSound, transform.position, 1); //plays reload soundclip
yield WaitForSeconds(reloadTime); //waits for "reloadTime" before adding bullets
bullets += reloadAmount; //adds 3 bullets to our "clip"
totalBullets -= reloadAmount; //subtracts 3 bullets from our totalBullets amount
function OnGUI () {
ammo.text = "bullets: " + bullets + "/" +  totalBullets.ToString();

Did you define a class called “ammotext”?

var ammo : ammotext; //GUI text for our bullet/ammo count

On this line, you are saying the variable “ammo” is of type ammotext. You may find this confusing, did you mean to put:

var ammo : GUIText; //GUI text for our bullet/ammo count