I hate this guy. He’s an idiot.
But yeah, Konami has been mismanaged and scattalogical since the late 90’s.
@Not_Sure is that really fair to say though? He kind of just commentates on existing news and occasionally the source is wrong. I know a lot of youtube channels that are based on re-reporting and commenting on news stories.
Or do you hate him for the gargantuan dairy scandal? lol
No, I hadn’t even heard of that.
I just tried to watch a few of his videos and found him borish and opinionated, while ignoring the other side.
I think O tried like two or three of his videos
Ah. I try to avoid the boring ones, but if you watch enough of them he does cover all sides, just rarely in the same video. He takes the side of microsoft, nintendo, sony and steam and then whilst taking the side of one, will bash the others. Or some videos like the one in this thread will be dedicated to bashing a particular company. It’s well balanced in the greater context.
That being said, there are better people to listen to so if you don’t enjoy rich as a commentator then I wouldn’t recommend his channel It’s more about him than the news.
Maybe if you paid him his 200 and I think you owe rich an apology.
Yay more people who heard of the scandal! haha.
Sounds like he has the best answer to “why are games nearly always the same ole thing?”. Makes a lot of sense. The insanely high cost prohibits any real creativity so we end up with companies basically making clones of each others previously successful titles.
It just so happens that we put a high value on intellectual works. Software production consumes no resources beyond electricity and time, yet it costs more than most things do which consume variable amounts of wood, plastics, metals and circuitry.
In any other context, I think that would be considered a flag for a severe problem.
The only real resource we have is time. When you pay for wood, or plastics or metals you are really paying for the time to extract these materials from the environment, convert them to a usable form, and transport them to a convenient location.
Since the industrial revolution the amount of labour time required to produce bulk consumer goods is vanishingly small. Machines can do most of the work. What they can’t do is done by low cost employees in developing nations.
When we have a machine that writes code and makes us art, then the cost of games will drop to next to nothing.
I wouldn’t mind that. Then we’ll have robot-enabled communism because they can do our jobs
Anyone else content with being useless in a robot-powered world?
I get what you’re saying here, but in my experience thus far in coding, people have defined their problems in a way that gives away the answer. The only time left is in picking some algorithms and filling in the junk data
Maybe time will give me a more reasonable response.
Innocence is never useless, boring it can be, but then try and create a new niche for yourself and beat the boredom at the same time. I.G.Y.
How rude of me to not consider other people. I can write programs for days on end
Oh, I meant boorish (sorry, posted that on a phone at the pub), as in trampling through others’ opinions and loud.
But hey, we’re talking about him so he must be doing something right. Right?
Yeah, that’s called “hit chasing” and it’s a stigmatic problem deep in the industry that everyone is aware of, but no one knows how to fix it. Mainly because the people who need the intervention are the people in charge of the AAA industry/circus.
It’s also why the new Castlevania games are stuck in mediocrity.
Castlevania is a niche title. It has a small but fierce fanbase (me included). They should have made a game in the same vein as previous metroid-vania games focused on exploration and ability unlocking. They should have made a more accessible version of Dark Souls and kept it to a firm smaller budget.
Instead some room full of execs looked at what has sold (God of War), then gave it a Castlevania name and threw out all of the series’ conventions, and topped it off with a gargantuan budget. The result was people who like God of War are stuck thinking it’s a Castlevania game (which it’s not), while the fans feel betrayed and lose interest.
Now the game could have done just fine as a new IP if they commited to enough games to have its popularity reach saturation, but instead they made a cheap grab for cash at the cost of cannibalising one of their IP’s.
I’m. Actually looking forward to more indies then aaa games right now. I only care about batman Arkham knight on the aaa side and 12 minutes and garbage day And undertale on the indie.
Like I said, if you want to see him consider both sides, you gotta find the other video xP It’s quite the task, but it’s rare that he’s only got 1 video on something and that the opinion is solely positive or negative. But of course with more recent topics that’s less often the case. He did apologize to anita though, despite being right about his initial claims. I imagine he already noticed the vast amount of trolls in his comment section and didn’t want to make it any worse.
This is what is going to happen to a few more AAA game developer and game publisher companies over the next 5-10 years.
The overhead cost to developing the type of games they make has been steadily going up, yet the returns in most cases have been going down in a reverse rate. Games cost more and more because they are pushing the envelope on the quality level each and every time which requires more of everything.
Go from having 30 people with $90,000 salaries on the project to the next time having 45 people with $90,000 salaries. On top of that they may need Motion Capture time, voice recording time and if they go with a well known actors/actresses that will also have a cost impact.
I highly doubt Lance Henriksen is cheap, but even I admit he has a good raspy voice for old-tough characters. He was the voice of the admiral in Mass Effect. I do not know how much he commands in price for his voice but I would not be surprised if it is close to 1 million.
Finally if there are any changes that come after the fact they may have to redo the motion capture if the model is changed to where the previous motion capture shows bad clipping or maybe the story has been altered so they need more voice work. So in the end its mo-money, mo-money and mo-money.
Mean while we indies are trying to make a game with just perseverance and hope; and some times a tiny budget of a couple hundred to a thousand or two. Some times we hit it big, but mostly we just get a good 'ole pat on the back.
I don’t know why I like this. Since the quality has gone down for pc stuff (everything is a console port, no more mods, no more dedicated servers, game can only hold 8-12 people instead of 60+, etc etc), maybe they deserve to get hurt for trying to maximize profit above all else. A sort of karma perhaps.
The budget for modern warfare 1 vs the budget for modern warfare 2 or 3. It’s ridiculous, yet in the newer games we get less lol. Also in each game, there’s less and less you can do without logging in. BO2 you can change the settings for your client, I think for mw3 you have to actually log in to change anything. Your options are log in or quit.
Could be unfair for me to say, I’m moving on from gaming a little and about to graduate college. The people who will suffer most are the current and next generation of gamers. Maybe everyone can just switch to PC and live off of indie games Subnautica is getting pretty awesome.
I don’t know…
Personally, I think quality is plummeting as turn around times are getting shorter and shorter. Like the expected time of release is one game a year. All the while games like FC4 are plagued with bugs, texture tears and stretches, out of synch facial animations, miss placed triggers, and general obvious lack of basic playtesting.
How the heck is it a glass half full perspective that they no longer trade on the NYSE when they can shave a potential 10 million in operation costs at the tune of .29% stock trades, which, at their height, was a whooping 250k US.
10 mil or 250k… um, yeah. This guy is a retard and lost me right there.