WTH Profiler not working with iOS?

NOTE 2013: happily this now works perfectly in Unity4. Simply ensure your Mac and iPad are on the same normal WiFi network. (No need to use an adhoc network, etc., as mentioned below a year ago.)

NOTE: spectacular tip from listzo: works more reliably w/ an ADHOC network off your Mac.


has the Profiler stopped working with iOS devices?

I have normal ordinary Unity Pro with iOS Pro. It is a normal latest iPod with the normal latest iOS, latest Mac OS, latest Unity (not 4), latest XCode etc, latest target etc - just everything utterly normal.

tried stuff like … tether V wifi, BuildNGo V Build, ethernet V wifi, etc etc etc etc

The iDevice just won’t show up in the profiler “Active Profiler” menu?

WTH?? Can anyone confirm that the Profiler is working fine for them? Thanks!

I work with iOS & unity all the days and yeah it works for me. XCode profiler works fine.
Unity profiler works fine too with the regular process :

  1. Build your apps with development build option (or never work) I think you know that
  2. Close unity
  3. Create adhoc network with your mac
  4. Connect your iPhone/iPod/iThing with this network
  5. Relaunch Unity and profiler and choose your device in the device profiler list

If this not work it’s really weird :x. I don’t have MAC @ home but tomoroww at the office I can check that for you if you want.

We got latest iOS 6.0 /OS 10.8 or 10.7 i don’t remember / XCode 4.5 / Unity 3.5.6