A pack containing low-poly PBR ready WW2-era US tanks, vehicles, cannons, small arms and soldiers. Great for making strategy games or vehicular combat games.
Contents and details:
A total of 59 models: 19 tanks, 12 vehicles, 10 cannons, 14 small arms and 4 soldier models included.
-Triangle count of ~2600 to ~10200 for tanks and vehicles, ~900 to ~2400 for cannons and ~250 to ~1100 for small arms.
PBR materials with Albedo Transparency, Ambient Occlusion, Metallic and Normal texture maps, with each tank, vehicle and cannon having three paint schemes (Green, Yellow and White).
-All tanks, vehicles, cannons and soldiers use 2048x2048 texture maps, all small arms and tank tracks use 1024x1024 texture maps.
All tanks, vehicles and cannons have separate tracks, wheels, turrets, gun mantlets and cannons which can be turned individually to realistically move and aim.
All soldier models are rigged and ready to animate.
Includes demo scripts for scrolling the track textures and rotating the wheels on tracked vehicles.
Includes a demo scene to showcase the contents of the asset pack.
Wheels on tanks, vehicles and cannons are now separate parts and can rotate individually.
Main guns on tanks, vehicles and cannons are now seperated into a mantlet part and a gun part to allow for realistic gun recoil.
Machine guns on vehicles without a main gun (e.g. the M3A1 Half-track) are now separate parts to allow them to be turned and aimed.
Gun/machine gun muzzles and exhausts are now marked with empty gameobjects to allow for easier spawning of shells, bullets and particles at the right position/rotation.
Added 4 new vehicles and 2 new cannons:
T26E4 Super Pershing
105mm M3 Howitzer
155mm Gun M1
Reworked parts of the following models (Added some missing details, fixed some small errors, reduced poly count):
M3A1 Half-track
M3A1 Armoured Car
M3A1 Stuart
M5A1 Stuart
M8A1 Scott
M4A3(75) Sherman
M4A3(76) Sherman
M4A3(105) Sherman
M4A3E2(75) Sherman
M4A3E2(76) Sherman
M26 Pershing
Smaller rework and texture rework of all tanks, vehicles and cannons. (Fixed some minor modeling errors. Added extra texture detail to doors, hatches and wheels.)